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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1266

Chapter 1266 

Seeing this, the priest was alarmed and immediately tried to escape through the window

However, Andrius did not give him the chance to


With a leap, he flipped twice in the air and landed firmly in front of the priest, blocking his only way out

Although the priest was fast, the injuries from Andriusblood had severely weakened him, and his speed could not be compared to before

Trying to run?Andrius turned and smiled sarcastically. Don’t you know it’s rude to dine and dash? In Florence, dogs that bite people need to be put down!” 

With the last word, Andrius swung his fist toward the priest


The priest barely managed to block it and was forcefully pushed back by the punch

However, before he could hit the wall behind him, Andrius grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground

I told you I’d pull out your teeth, so I’ll pull every one of them out. Not even your God can save you today!” 

Then, he pried open the priest’s mouth and grabbed a long, sharp fang

At that moment, the priest had the opportunity to bite off Andriusfingers, but 

he did not dare to. Every drop of Andriusblood felt like concentrated sulfuric 

acid, firmly sticking to his mouth and throat, burning and melting it… 

He would rather die than go through that sensation a second time


Thus, Andrius forcibly pulled the priest’s fang out


He instantly screamed in agony

However, the fun had just begun

Next, Andrius did as he promised and pulled out all of the priest’s teeth, not leaving a single one behind

Despite still being in his youth, the poor priest could only enjoy the life of an elderly grandfather in his seventies, skipping past decades of life’s twists and 


Speak.Andrius looked at the teeth scattered on the ground and asked in satisfaction, Where are Queen Margerina and Katalina being kept?” 

The priest was exhausted both physically and mentally after being heavily injured and tortured. He was barely holding on to life

At Andriusquestion, he instinctively resisted and turned his head away

Tsk, tsk, tskAndrius laughed. I didn’t expect you to be such a tough nut to crack. Well, I have my ways of dealing with tough nuts.” 

The mocking tone sent a shiver down the priest’s spine

However, when he thought of the fate of traitors, he did not dare to speak rashly

The next moment, Andrius suddenly wiped the blood from the arm on his wound onto the priest’s exposed skin


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