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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273 

The Wolf King!. 

He was the enemy who crippled St. Dmitri’s son


The moment Alexander’s words fell, St. Dmitri’s overwhelming killing intent rose, sweeping through like a hurricane

At that instant, everyone present felt as if a massive stone was pressing on their chests, making it difficult to breathe

The Wolf KingI don’t care if he’s the Wolf King or the Dog King! Since he dared to hurt my son” 

St. Dmitri’s face flashed with a chilling glint like an icy tundra, exuding boundless coldness. He yelled hysterically, I’ll flay him, tear out his tendons, dig out his organs, cut off his limbs, sever his head, and hang it on the gates of the Sauro Church. I’ll have the crows and bats feast on him. I’ll let the millions of believers come here to make a pilgrimage!” 

It was hard to believe such malicious and cruel words coming from the mouth of the revered pontiff

The cardinals present fell silent, not daring to speak

Only Alexander’s eyes flickered with a subtle and almost imperceptible change

I hereby order you!St. Dmitri’s burst with a fierce light as he shouted, Summon all the believers in the headquarters. We head toward Flandom to kill Andrius Moonshade!” 

He no longer cared about anything other than avenging Anton

No!Seeing this, Alexander quickly stopped him and advised, Florence is one of the most powerful countries, and the Wolf King is the military soul of Florence. If you kill him rashly, it’ll provoke the anger and retaliation of Florence, and even lead to a world war!” 

Alexander was knowledgeable about Florence. That was also why he and the elder had not personally taken action against Andrius

Of course, it was also because of the fear of Andriusmaster, Old Hagstorm

HehWhat’s the big deal about a world war?St. Dmitri had lost his reason in his rage. With the strength and influence of the Sauro Church, will Florence darè to attack me? Move out of my way!” 

Chapter 1273 


Then, St. Dmitri tried to shove Alexander away


No, Your Holiness!Alexander was anxious and continued to persuade, Nothing must happen to the Wolf King in Flandom, or Flandom won’t be able to handle the anger of Florence!” 

Alexander’s repeated attempts to stop St. Dmitri made him angrier

You’re seeking death!St. Dmitri shouted furiously, Alexander, I’ve never put you in a hard spot because you’re the ruler of Flandom

You already have an inescapable responsibility for Anton having an accident in your territory, but now you’re obstructing me from seeking justice… 

Do you really think that I fear your family and would not dare to lay hands on you?” 


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