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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278 

The Lamiai clan’s secret arts included a technique for swimming underwater, Coupled with Luna’s increased strength, swimming came as naturally to her as if she were a fish



Before long, Luna vaguely saw some dark figures

It was the lesser demon snakes that she encountered earlier. They were lurking in the water, constantly moving

When Luna appeared, they smelled her scent and swam straight toward her


If it were before, Luna would have found them troublesome. Now, however, these lesser demon snakes were no threat to her. She could deal with them with barely any effort


Luna’s eyes lit 

up, forming pupils that resembled snake eyes. Her whole body released a powerful snakelike aura. It was like she was the king of snakes, no, the God of snakes

This was one of the secret arts that Luna cultivatedMedusa’s Gaze. It could intimidate and control snakes. It was one of the Lamiai clan’s innate talents

Sure enough, as the aura spread, the lesser demon snakes around quickly calmed down and became as docile as kittens, showing no intention of attacking

Luna controlled the lesser demon snakes to clear a path and smoothly returned to the surface


She emerged from the water like a changed person

Rufus, who had been standing guard here all along, was startled and stammered, Yyou’re back” 

Then, he did not dare to look at Luna again and shouted loudly toward the distance. Master, Ms. Crestfall has come out of Tartarus” 

As soon as he spoke, an elegant old man soon appeared in their line of sight. It was Adeptus Cirrus. He quickly walked up to Luna and looked her up and down. ” 

Ms. Crestfall, I presume the injuries in your body and the poison have all been healed?” 

Although that was what he said, he still shot out a few silk threads to entangle Luna’s wrist to check her condition

Huh?Upon inspection, he was instantly amazed. Not only are you fully healed, but your condition is better than ever. It’s truly incredible!” 

Luna’s strength had increased considerably. The influence of the demon snake’s power and the Sanguis Blade had also diminished, and her character was 

gradually returning to how it used to be before

She smiled faintly. It’s all thanks to you for pointing me in the right direction, Adeptus Cirrus.” 

Then, she bowed respectfully toward Adeptus Cirrus

You’re too polite, Ms. Crestfall.Adeptus Cirrus smiled kindly and asked with curiosity, Ms. Crestfall, what did you encounter in Tartarus? Was there really a demon as the rumors say?” 

A demon

Luna could not help but laugh

If someone saw the lamia for the first time, they might indeed think that it was a demon. However, the lamia was not a demon. She was her redemption

Luna shook her head and said, I’m not sure. I just encountered some demon snakes in the pool and passed out

When I woke up again, I was healed.” 

The demon snakes in the pool were easily detectable, so there was no harm in mentioning them. However, she would not utter a word about her master

I seeAdeptus Cirrus shook his head. It seems I was too greedy.” 

Luna smiled silently

Then, the three returned to Fleming Manor

Upon arrival, Adeptus Cirrus took some pills out and gave them to Luna. Ms. Crestfall, these are some pills I refined recently. Although you’ve already 

recovered, it’s always good to be prepared.” 


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