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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1313

Andrius could not help but be stunned.

Was the only thing in this palace a skeleton?

No, it was not!

Andrius soon noticed there were many strange characters engraved on the wall behind the throne.

What surprised him even more was that the language was in ancient Florencian!

Florence was a nation with a long and rich history, and its writing could be traced back to ancient times.

There were various writing systems used in Florence, each with its splendid culture and magnificent history. The words in front of him were one of those writing systems.

“Fortunately, Master forced me to learn ancient Florencian. Otherwise, I’d have to leave empty-handed after reaching the treasure mountain today!”

Andrius had a strong feeling that these words were hiding something. He examined them meticulously.

Although the font was small, the words were very delicate. It was obvious that the carver was very careful during the engraving, as if afraid that the future generations would not understand.

Soon, Andrius read what it wrote.

“So, that’s it...”

The words recorded that the person on the throne was called the “Flame Emperor”. He was an Obarean, but his master was from an ancient martial family from Florence. He severed diligently by the forebearer’s side without the slightest neglect.

Due to his long-term companionship, loyalty, and sincerity, he eventually moved the Flame forebearer and received the teachings of all his profound techniques.


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