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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1359

Chapter 1359 

Andrius could accept that point

The snow wolf pack on Mount Valdez used to inhabit outside the seal of the demon snake’s 


Follow me.” 

Kate led Andrius around and finally arrived at an altar

As soon as Andrius looked over, he was shocked

On the altar, there was nothing else aside from a rusty iron rod

However, it was precisely this seemingly unremarkable and decayed iron rod that caught his attention. It was bound by several dark iron chains as it stood in the center, making it appear shocking

Although the iron rod emitted an imposing aura, at that moment, Andrius could not imagine it as a powerful divine weapon

Instead, he only thought of two wordslightning rod

Its appearance indeed resembled a lightning rod

Andrius glanced around again but did not find anything else. He asked in confusion, Kate, when you mentioned a precious weapon earlier, did you mean this lightning rod?” 

Yes, that’s right!Kate stared at the lightning rodwith a burning gaze and said firmly, Just last night, Grandpa told me that the most formidable weapon of the Klein family is this unassuming lightning rod.” 

The most formidable weapon


widened when he heard those words. He walked forward to examine it but could not discern anything

Just as he was about to ask, Kate explained, Andrius, don’t underestimate it just because it looks ugly

This spear is called the Linebreaker Overlord. It’s a renowned divine weapon. The rusty appearance you see now is a special craftsmanship used during its forging which protects the inner layer beneath the rust. No matter how rusty the outer layer is, the material inside remains undamaged.” 

Chapter 1359 


That was quite remarkable

Andrius asked curiously, If this spear is so powerful, why has it been standing here in the Klein ruins for so long without anyone taking it?” 

Kate seemed to anticipate this question

Just as Andrius finished speaking, she explained with a smile, This spear is indeed renowned, and the reason it has continued to stand here even after the Kleinsannihilation is because no one has been able to move it!” 

No one could move it

Andrius was skeptical. How hard could it be for heroes in the ancient martial world to move a rusty iron rod? It seemed like an exaggeration

I’ll give it a try!” 

Then, Andrius walked up and gripped the iron rod. It felt extremely cold in his hands as if it were milleniumold ice from the far north. It made even a Martial Saint like Andrius 



The next moment, Andrius held on tightly and tried to pull it out


The iron rod was extremely heavy

Although Andrius had gathered all the inner energy in his body to strengthen his efforts, the rod did not budge as if it were fused with the earth itself

AndriusKate saw him struggling and explained with a smile, Grandpa told me that to pull out this Linebreaker Overlord, you cannot use inner energy. You need to rely on your own physical prowess.” 

His own physical prowess


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