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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1419

In Sumeria, Luna was already waiting at the airport when Andrius returned.

“Hubby!” She smiled when she saw him, looking refreshed. “Is everything resolved? Did you find any clues about the Flame Emperor?”

“More or less.” Andrius smiled and got into Luna’s car.

Luna naturally drove Andrius to the Crestfalls’.

Belarus was overjoyed when he saw Andrius and briskly walked over with his cane. “Andrius, it’s been a while since I saw you. Stay for dinner today.”

“Okay, Grandpa Belarus.” Andrius had no plans, so he agreed.

Then, when Harry and the others went in to cook, Belarus dragged him to the stone table to play chess.

After several rounds, the board was reset again. However, Belarus held a white piece but did not move. Instead, he stared blankly at the board.

“Grandpa Belarus...” Andrius called out softly when he noticed this.

Belarus seemed to be startled and sighed heavily.

Andrius hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong, Grandpa Belarus? Did something happen?”

Belarus stared at the chessboard and shook his head. “Pawn, rook, bishop, knights... All the pieces are here on the board, but I still feel like something’s missing.”

The statement confused Andrius, and he instinctively asked, “What’s missing?”

“I remember!” Belarus raised his head, his eyes piercing Andrius. “I’m missing a great-grandson!”

Andrius was speechless while Luna, who was bringing in tea, blushed.

Although Andrius and her had been intimate multiple times, hearing Belarus say it openly made her feel extremely embarrassed.

“I...” Andrius did not know how to respond.

Just then, Harry shouted from inside, “Dad! Andrius! Dinner is ready.”

Andrius felt like he had found a lifeline. “Let’s have dinner first, Grandpa Belarus.”

Then, he fled from the table.


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