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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1505

“I need a business guild to counter the Everbright Guild. Now, every move I make is being watched by the Everbright Guild. If they notice the Crestfall family’s involvement, they’ll definitely associate it with me.

“Firstly, the Crestfall family’s safety would be an issue, and secondly, the guild would be suppressed by the enemy. That’s why I refused your offer at Celestial Enterprise. I hope you won’t take it personally,” Andrius explained sincerely.

Once Belarus understood the reasons, the remaining bit of resentment vanished.

“I understand. You’re right, Andrius. Since it’s a confrontation with the enemy, you can’t show any weak spots.”

Belarus was not unreasonable. After hearing Andrius’ explanation, he began to think about the latter’s point of view.

“However, if you need anything, you must speak up as long as it’s something the Crestfalls can do.”

Andrius quickly assured him. “Don’t worry, Grandpa Belarus. I won’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything I need.”

Belarus was relieved.

“Grandpa, Hubby, I brewed some tea for you.”

At that moment, Luna walked over with a pot of hot tea and served them.

“Luna, Andrius...” Belarus put down his chess piece and looked at the two of them. “I understand that you two are often busy outside and don’t have time to accompany an old man like me, but you’ve been together for a long time. Isn’t it time you have a chubby child to accompany me? Is this request too much?”

What a killer move.

Andrius was defeated, and Luna turned red.

“Ahem...” Andrius cleared his throat and said, “Grandpa Belarus, you know I’ve been busy with Florence’s affairs recently. I really can’t spare any time.”

“Don’t give me that nonsense!” Belarus waved his hand and interrupted impatiently. “You’re just responsible for planting the seed. What’s so difficult about that?”


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