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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 727

Chapter 727 

The Wolf King can’t be him!” 

Luna kept shaking her head, muttering to herself

Amidst the various reactions of the crowd, an official approached Andrius with a golden decree in hand and proclaimed, The Emperor of Florence has issued a decree

Currently, ambitious wolves from the Western Nations have gathered an army of five million. They advance with impunity, ravaging our cities and killing our people

Within half a day, 16 cities have fallen. Our nation is in danger of collapse, and our people are on the brink of devastation

By order of the emperor, Andrius Moonshade is to resume his former position

For the sake of the country and the people, please reclaim command over the Lycantroops. Grasp the whip of the heavens, cleanse the realm, subdue the enemy, and restore order once again!” 

Andrius accepted the decree with neither servility nor arrogance

At the same time, Noir took out a cape and draped it over Andriusshoulders. The cape was entirely black and woven with precious silk, with a wolf howling toward the sky embroidered with gold thread on the back. It had an imposing and divine aura

It was the Wolf King’s cape

Wolf King!” 

Wolf King!” 

Wolf King!” 

The soldiers immediately shouted in unison, their voices resounding through the sky

At that moment, the clouds parted, and the skies became clear

Everyone understood what was happening

Andrius Moonshde was indeed the Wolf King

The Wolf King was Andrius Moonshade

It was an undeniable and irrefutable fact

Andrius Moonshade is the Wolf KingI really can’t believe it” 

Harry and the other members of the Crestfalls could not help but shake their heads with bitter smiles, filled with regret and selfmockery

They mocked themselves for being blind and not recognizing the Wolf King

They mocked themselves for their arrogance and having to eat their own words

They mocked themselves for pining over the Wolf King, yet never realizing that he was right under their noses the entire time

Among the people at the scene, Luna had the most intense reaction

HaHahahahaAndrius is the Wolf King” 

She looked at the back that was now the center of attention and suddenly burst into bitter laughter mixed 


with countless emotionsastonishment, surprise, regret, remorse, realization… 

There were too many to list

Past events replayed in front of her like a movie

When they first met, she had been arrogant and had told him that a country bumpkin like him was unworthy of her

Andrius had only been slightly surprised and simply smiled


In hindsight, the Wolf King carried the weight of countless glories, yet she, an insignificant lady from the Crestfalls, had rejected him. He must have been speechless

Then, when they began their fake marital life, they avoided each other and at most put on a show for her grandfather

Andrius played his part convincingly. He never crossed the line and created the illusion of a deeply affectionate couple in front of her grandfather

Thinking about it now, as the Wolf King, he had shown her immense respect. However, she remained oblivious and took it for granted

Then came the subsequent troubles and conspiracies

There were Solomon Stormbrew’s various schemes, the Hanshus, the Hendersons, the Crestfalls in the capital, Dean Mitchell, and then what happened in the capital… 

Every time there was trouble, Andrius would step forward

Even when the sky fell and she thought that she was at the end of her rope, Andrius would say calmly, “It’s 

fine. I’ll deal with it.” 


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