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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 767

Chapter 767 


The reputation gained, the territories held, and the resources obtained by the Lycantroops would elevate them further and make it even more difficult to keep them in check

Useless! They’re all useless!” 

It had been half an hour, but Registus continued to smash everything

Almost nothing remained intact in the hall. Everything was destroyed by Registusfury, turning into a pile 

of debris

Outside the hall, the Second War God and the others rushed back from the west. When they heard the commotion, their dark expression became even more ominous

However, due to the situation, they had to steel themselves and enter

Your Majestythe Second War God reported respectfully when he saw the emperor still smashing stuff


Registus did not look back, but his clipped word caused the temperature in the hall to drop by several degrees. Even the Second War God and the others could not help but feel a slight chill

However, he said truthfully, Andrius Moonshade asked me to deliver a message to you.” 

Registus suddenly turned around and stared at the Second War God. His eyes narrowed to slits, and his voice was suppressed. What message?” 

He said that there were traitors working with the Western Nations in this war and that he won’t let them 

off if he finds evidence.” 

As soon as the Second War God spoke… 



Registus exploded again, smashing everything he laid his eyes on. He roared, Andrius Moonshade, you’ve gone too far

You’ve gone too far-” 

He screamed so loudly that his shoulders shook with each shout, and he even started hiccupping from the anger

The Second War God exchanged glances with the Sixth and Seventh War Gods, then gritted his teeth and continued, Your Majesty… 

Andrius has also captured the leaders of the Western Nations. Those spineless individuals agreed to terms like territorial concessions. It’s certain they won’t keep it a secret

Once Andrius finds out the truth, he won’t spare us. It might be better for us to take the initiative now and get rid of Andrius before he strikes

Otherwise, if we wait for him to come knocking, he’ll be fully prepared and won’t leave us any room to escape. By then, it’ll be too late for regrets!” 

Registuseye twitched fiercely at those words

Yes, he knew Andrius too well

He was a madman who could do anything

I also want to get rid of him.Registusexpression was dark as he snorted, But he has just achieved a great victory. He not only crushed the arrogance of the Western Nations but also made them concede territory and hand over hostages. His popularity among the people is at an alltime high

If we take action now, it’s bound to arouse public outrage and trigger a series of events.” 

That was what Registus was concerned about

Killing those who contributed after they fought such a splendid battle… 

Not even a tyrant would dare to do that without a justifiable reason

Your Majesty, we could do it like this.The Second War God’s eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he offered a plan. “We can host a victory celebration in Kiyoto and invite the commanders of the 

Lycantroops to attend

Then, we’ll capture the commanders during the celebration

We’ll charge them with treason and execute them while also administering poison to their families


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