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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 779

Chapter 779 

Conrad thought of his daughter, Vivian

Back then, he had rushed home immediately upon hearing the news, but when he returned what he saw was his wife’s corpse and his daughter’s eyes full of hatred

For the next half year, she never spoke a word to him

Conrad’s heart clenched as if someone were squeezing it tightly, causing him intense pain

ConradRegistus saw his expression and knew that his words had struck a nerve, and he continued, Have you thought about it?” 

Conrad struggled for a moment and lifted his head. Your Majesty, Andrius is the Wolf King. Every one of the Lycantroops is a seasoned warrior and has made unparalleled contributions to Florence

I hope that you will consider carefully when making a decision and not act too recklessly.” 

Those words undoubtedly conveyed Conrad’s stance

Registus was very satisfied and said with a grin, Don’t worry, Conrad. I know what I’m doing. You don’t have to worry about that.” 

In that case, I shall take my leave.” Conrad left the Hall of Serenity and looked toward the direction of the dungeon. He muttered to himself guiltily, I’m sorry, Andrius” 

With another problem resolved, Registus was undoubtedly in high spirits. He waved his hand and said, Come, accompany me to visit the former Wolf King.” 

Then, Registus, along with the Second War God and others arrived at the dungeon where Andrius was being held

Andrius was the Wolf King, so Registus did not subject him to excessive torture

However, due to the insect infestation and the passage of time, Andrius was weakened to the point of being unrecognizable. He was deathly pale

Registus looked at him and said faintly, Andrius, actually, if you were to admit your guilt and confess to rebelling, many things can still be negotiated. I could even grant you a dignified death and allow you to receive a state funeral in Florence and be buried in the imperial mausoleum.” 

Andrius ignored him

Registus smiled and clapped his hands thrice


The sound of bustling footsteps came from outside


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