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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 868


Chapter 868 

Luna’s gaze swept over the constantly changing expressions of the three men as if she had everything under control. She smiled and said confidently, Now, I’ll leave this to you three

After you’ve made up your minds, come to Mount Cura to find me, and we’ll go to the Swallows together.” 

With that, Luna left Nimbus Hotel with the four elders and seven Dragon Generals

In the room, Damian, Ronald, and Tyrell looked at each other, but no one spoke

Outside the hotel, Luna got into an unlicensed van. Old Hagstorm was seated in the passenger 


Luna reported, Master, I’ve handed the treasure map over to the three family heads and explained our intentions. They were all very hesitant.” 

It’s natural that they’re hesitant.Old Hagstorm grinned and said, The Swallows have led them for a long time. Wanting them to go against the Swallows suddenly must be quite painful for them.” 

Luna asked, Then, what should we do next?” 

Nothing. At a time like this, the more we say, the more suspicious it’ll seem. The plan is already in motion. We’ll wait for the response of the three family heads tomorrow morning.” 

Luna nodded

Soon after that, the van disappeared on the street

In the room, after a moment of silence, Damian looked at the other two and asked, What do you think?” 

Ronald and Tyrell exchanged a glance and spoke one after the other

The Klein family’s treasure is of great importance. If the Swallows monopolize it, they’ll 

become even more arrogant and won’t show us any respect in the future.” 

The Klein family’s treasure is said to grant immortalityand flightIf that’s true and it’s monopolized by the Swallows, we’ll be in danger in the future.” 

Although the two did not openly state their positions, their stances were clear

Damian nodded slowly. We can’t let the Swallows take the treasure alone! In that case.” 

The three nodded in unison, reaching a consensus 

Early in the morning the next day before the sun rose, a cold wind blew The surroundings were quiet, and dewdrops glistened in the courtyard 

The true Maiden of the Medicine Sect. Kate, had just begun her morning cultivation


A maid suddenly ran in and reported. The heads of the Sheppard, Ander, and Fuller families have arrived and are waiting in the reception hall 

The heads of the three families were here to see her

Kate was instantly stunned. She stopped her cultivation and asked, What did they say they were here for?” 

The three family heads said you used the treasure map to invite them to go to the Swallows together to pressure them into releasing Andrius Moonshade.” 

Kate was shocked to hear those words

The treasure map had been used as part of a scheme by the mastermind and involved the Medicine Sect

I got it. You can leave now.Kate gave the order with a serious expression and immediately went to Wade

After finding him, she reported, Grandpa, the treasure map has been found, but” 

Then, she told him the situation and explained, I wasn’t the one behind this, and know that I was with you when the treasure map was lost” 

you also 

Wade interrupted her before she could finish her words, I believe you, Kate. You don’t need to explain yourself. This matter is very fishy. Someone must be manipulating it behind the scenes.” 

Kate thought the same and asked, What should we do now, Grandpa?” 


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