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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 876


Chapter 876 

Not long after he spoke, a graceful figure walked in

Kate carried a box of silver needles of various shapes and sizes. She made preparations while asking curiously, Andrius, my granddad’s acupuncture skills are unparalleled in the Medicine Sect and are far superior to mine. Why did you specifically request me to perform the acupuncture?” 

Kate did not believe what Andrius said about serving medicinal tea. She felt that there must be a reason behind it

Andrius looked straight at her and smiled. It’s because, among everyone in the Medicine Sect, I only find you trustworthy. The others won’t do.” 

HuhKate did not expect that answer. After a brief moment of surprise, she instinctively asked, Why do you feel that way?” 

Intuition!Andrius replied without any reason

Then, they exchanged smiles

You may use my silver needles.” 

Andrius nodded toward the silver needles placed on the pillow next to him

Kate silently put away her own needles

Thanks for your trouble,Andrius said, then proceeded to take off his clothes with some difficulty

Even at her age, Kate was sheltered and had never seen an adult man’s body before. She felt a bit shy

However, since they were already in this situation, she had to suppress her embarrassment. She followed Andriusinstructions and inserted the silver needles one by one into his 


Five minutes later, dozens of silver needles formed a mysterious pattern on Andriusbody. Regardless of the angle from which one looked, it seemed to convey a sense of artistic beauty

Kate could not help but be amazed

Andriusacupuncture skills were not much worse than her grandfather’s

He instructed, Next, inject a little bit of your inner energy into the silver needles according to the sequence of the meridians when the energy flows” 


Kate did not hesitate and followed Andriusinstructions

Then, something magical happened

As she circulated her inner energy, Andriusmeridians slowly recovered, and the depleted energy in his body showed signs of revival

This was… 

The medicine sect was renowned as the best in medicine. As the Maiden of the Medicine Sect, Kate had never heard of an acupuncture technique that could repair meridians. It was truly a miraculous technique

She could not help but steal another glance at Andrius

She was curious about how her distant cousin managed to become a martial realm expert outside of the ancient martial families. What kind of experiences had granted him such extraordinary acupuncture skills


After a long time of precise inner energy control and continuously injecting it into the silver needles, Kate began to feel exhausted. Her inner energy was depleted, and she felt physically and mentally fatigued. Her complexion grew pale

In contrast, Andriusface had regained color, and he felt rejuvenated

Most importantly, his meridians had recovered, and his inner energy was restored

After finishing the acupuncture, Kate could not help but ask, Andrius, I’ve never heard of acupuncture that can repair meridians. Where did you learn this?” 

Since Andrius chose to trust her, he had no reason to hide it

He explained, I learned this acupuncture technique from an ancient book called HadesAxiom


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