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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 881


Chapter 881 

With his talent, breaking through to a higher realm is not impossible.” 

Kate’s concerns were not unfounded

If Norvin had already broken through but had been concealing his strength, he could catch them off guard when they least expected it and achieve victory in a single strike

Wade smiled upon hearing her words. Kate, the martial realm is as deep as the sea. While advancing in stages can give martial artists stronger inner energy cultivation, it is not the sole determinant of victory

The excellence of martial arts, exceptional skills, and adaptability in the heat of battle all have a crucial impact on combat.” 

This explanation not only surprised Kate but also caught Andriusattention

Wade continued, For example, if you master a martial art to the pinnacle, comprehend various techniques, and can effortlessly apply them in battle, there’s still a chance to fight against higherlevel opponents.” 

Kate did not fully understand but was deeply shaken and lost in thought


gaze also grew contemplative

Wade said meaningfully, Remember. Higher martial realms don’t necessarily mean stronger power

Kate nodded as if she understood, while Andrius recalled his earlier battle with Dennis when he was still in the early stage of Martial Lord

During their conversation, the helicopter slowly descended at the nearest airport on the outskirts of Mount Albus

Everyone disembarked

The biting cold air outside made them all pause for a moment

Everyone present, except the Black Hawk, was a martial expert. Although they had not reached the point of being impervious to cold, their robust resistance to the code was undeniable

Yes, they could not help but be at a loss for words

It was a blanket of white as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, there were strong winds. The cold was bone piercing

Even the martial arts experts subconsciously tightened their clothes

The weather immediately instilled a sense of reverence for the legendary mountain


Before long, the helicopters of the four great families also Landed 

The family heads led their teams and quickly joined Andrius and the others

Wade saw that everyone had gathered and said, You’ll be leading the way forward, Andrius 

Andrius did not speak and looked at the Black Hawk

The Black Hawk took out the merged map from his pocket and began to align it

After calibrating the direction, he said, Let’s go.” 



followed him

Of course, there was some distance between each of the families. The four great families and the Medicine Sect were all wary of each other

Although they were all forces of the martial arts world, they knew very well what each other’s true nature and intentions were

Stay close and don’t get separated. Keep your guard up. This journey won’t be easy, so everyone should be cautious,Tyrell instructed the Ander family elders seriously

“This expedition to find the Klein family’s treasure will certainly involve some conflicts.Damian looked at the members of the Sheppard family and said in a low voice, If necessary, follow my lead without hesitation.” 

The Sheppards nodded

Ronald glanced at the Swallows and said in a low voice, This treasure hunt is just the beginning. Everyone may seem friendly, but they all have ulterior motives. Be alert and don’t fall into any schemes.” 

The Fullers nodded solemnly


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