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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 892


Chapter 892 

This is” 

A flash of anger crossed Norvin’s face, but he did not know what to say

Why don’t we clear the debris?someone said then, then fell silent

With half of the mountain collapsed, even a bulldozer would have a hard time cleaning it up quickly, let alone them who had to rely solely on manpower

What about the map? Where does the entrance point to?Norvin shouted at the Black Hawk with a dark expression

There’s no need to look.Black Hawk said helplessly, It’s a hundred meters into the valley entrance, right at the center of the explosion earlier.” 

Norvin’s expression grew darker at those words

Their progress was blocked. Everyone had to sit down and discuss a plan

How about we dig a hole and bury explosives, then blast it again to create a path?Damian looked at everyone

No.The Black Hawk shook his head. The amount of explosives is hard to control. Meet again may cause changes to the terrain, making the entrance even harder to find.” 

How about thisRonald stepped forward with a proposal. The five major forces will each take responsibility for a specific area and clear a path within our designated area. Then, we’ll consider searching for the entrance

Although this method may seem foolish, it’s feasible.” 

Compared to the previous idea of clearing everything, this approach reduced the scope of work, but it was still a massive undertaking

As soon as he spoke, Tyrell gave him a fake smile. I don’t know if it’s feasible, but it’s certainly foolish.” 

Norvin and Damian burst into laughter

Ronald glared at them and snorted coldly. If we don’t do it this way, do any of you have a better idea?” 

Everyone fell silent

However, no one started clearing the debris

Soon, night fell. They had to set up camp nearby since they were unable to come up with an effective plan

To guard against wild beasts and other unknown dangers, each of the major forces lit large bonfires

Inside the tent, Andrius and the Black Hawk continued to study the map, searching for any potential opportunities

Suddenly, Andrius noticed the torch next to him flickering and frowned

Then, the torch flickered again

This time, the Black Hawk also noticed


The next moment, they were both stunned. It was not the torch that was shaking, but the ground beneath their feet

Oh no! There’s something coming from underground!” 

Andrius and the Black Hawk exchanged a glance and rushed out of the tent

Come out quickly!Andrius shouted, There’s something underground. It feels like something big!” 

The shout immediately woke everyone up in the silent night

Wade and Kate immediately came out with the Medicine Sect members

The Swallows, the Anders, the Sheppards, and the Fullers also came out

What’s going on?Norvin stared at Andrius in annoyance. You keep causing trouble or coming up with excuses just because we told you to find the treasure. Now, you’re doing this… 

Andrius, are you trying to wear us down with this method?” 

At his words, the other three family membersexpressions changed

The three family heads looked at Andrius with unfriendly eyes

Kate saw this and was just about to defend Andrius

At that moment… 


Crack, crack

There was suddenly a tremendous tremor from deep underground

The ground shook, and the entire mountain trembled

What the hell’s going on?” 

It seems like this thing might really be trouble!” 


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