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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 894


Chapter 894 

The cave was left behind by the Dousing Vines. Countless tendrils had suddenly emerged from various places on the ground

However, when they retreated, they followed this entrance

Therefore, Andrius had a sudden idea

Andrius, you rascal.Norvin stared at the dark cave entrance and said, You know very well that this is the entrance left behind by that monster, but you want us to go in and die.” 

As soon as he said that, the other three family heads also sneered sarcastically

That damned thing can’t be killed at all. We can only break a few tendrils at most. It won’t affect the overall situation. Are you trying to use us as pawns in your scheme?” 

Your plan is too despicable.” 

Andrius, we can go in, but you have to enter first to explore and confirm the safety inside.Damian, Ronald, and Tyrell each express their opinions

The Dousing Vine left too deep an impression on them. In this deep night, if that thing suddenly attacked when they were deep underground, it would be a big problem. They might not even have a chance to escape

Heh.Wade glanced at them and snorted in disdain. It’s my first time seeing someone speak so righteously about being afraid of death

Medicine Sect, follow me.” 

Then, he led the way into the cave

Kate, Andrius, the Black Hawk, and the other Medicine Sect members followed him


Norvin looked at the disappearing figures in the darkness, and a fierce glint flashed in his eyes. He shouted, Swallows, follow me in.” 

Since the Medicine Sect and Andrius entered, it was highly likely that the treasure was inside. If they went in later, the Medicine Sect might take the treasure all for themselves

Sheppards, follow me!” 

Anders, don’t fall behind!” 

Fullers, keep close and don’t lag behind!” 

After the Swallow family entered, everyone else followed suit

The once lively wilderness suddenly became quiet

Suddenly, a slim figure appeared from the darkness at the entrance. He muttered to himself while looking at the pitchblack cave entrance, They’ve all entered.” 

It was none other than Old Hagstorm


Inside the darkness of the cave, it looked like the ancient chaos before creation

Even the light from the torches in their hands was swallowed by the darkness, only illuminating a very small area

Andrius and the Black Hawk walked in front, followed by Wade, Kate, and the other Medicine Sect experts

Further behind were the four great families

After about ten minutes of walking, the terrain gradually became smoother. They were 

working on a clear path that sloped downward continuously. It was not as winding and humid as expected, and it turned out to be quite a refined underground world

They kept walking and walking

After about half an hour, they arrived at a somewhat spacious hall that could accommodate everyone who had arrived

At the end of the hall was a stone door

This should be the location of the treasure.” 

Norvin walked forward and touched the stone door, his eyes glimmering with excitement

Wade, Damian, Ronald, and Tyrell also came to the front of the stone door, each with different expressions. It was clear they harbored their own thoughts

Andrius and the Black Hawk exchanged glances but remained silent

After touching the stone door, Norvin looked at the other family heads and Wade, saying eagerly, Since this should be the treasure’s location, I suggest we break open the door and seize the treasure!” 

Wade did not speak

Damian, Ronald, and Tyrell were very eager

However, the four looked at Wade, waiting for his opinion

As for Andrius and the Black Hawk, they could be ignored. There was no need to consider their thoughts


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