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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 931



Chapter 931 

Kate trailed off

Andrius also fell silent

They were both martial realm experts who had encountered various situations, but having their inner energy suddenly explode was truly unprecedented. They were both puzzled. Forget it.Kate sighed and said, Andrius, your old injuries haven’t healed yet, but now you’ve added new injuries. You should rest properly for a while

I’ll go prepare some food for us. We’ll replenish our energy before we try again later.” 

Kate smiled while she spoke and turned away to put on her clothes again, leaving Andrius to look at her exquisite back

It seems we have no other choice.Andrius smiled wryly and also put on his clothes

Then, Kate went to prepare a meal

Andrius stared at the mural and fell into thought

Everything on the mural was drawn clearly. There was the sun and moon, yin and yang, and male and female cultivators

However, why did things go awry when he and Kate cultivated together

It was a clear representation of dual cultivation. He and Kate, a man and woman, symbolized the yin and yang drawn on the mural. What exactly was the problem

Could it be that there were elements other than men and women in this world that symbolized yin and yang, and they needed to incorporate that during their cultivation

Andrius pondered for a long time but still could not figure it out


Just then, a noise came from the distance

It was Wade

He walked over and asked, Andrius, Kate just told me that your first attempt failed, and you sustained some injuries.” 

Andrius smiled wryly. Just a minor injury.” 

Wade knew his temperament, He went forward and grabbed Andriuswrist to check 

When he sensed the disorder in Andriusinner energy, his expression changed slightly, and he looked at Andrius in exasperation. You call this minor? Sit down and don’t move. I’ll give you acupuncture treatment to help you recover.” 

Andrius did not refuse


After Wade let out a long sigh, Andrius instantly felt much better

Sure enough, the Medicine Sect Master was skilled in acupuncture

Chapter 931 


Don’t be in a hurry.After calming down his inner energy, Wade said slowly, If it were that easy to decipher the mural, it wouldn’t have remained here for so many years.” 

Wade was anxious, but he knew that the more anxious he was, the more he needed to stay calm. He knew this well, so he came down to treat Andrius and offer guidance


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