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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 954


Chapter 954 

After hanging up the phone, Andrius found himself walking on the street

Sumeria was developing rapidly

This was where the Wolf King used to stay, and with topranked medical experts like Luna here, it attracted countless talents and investments, making it a thriving city

Andrius was content upon seeing this

If every city in Florence could develop like this, there would be no worries about the prosperity of the people


Just as Andrius was lost in thought, a BMW pulled up beside him

Then, a clear, and surprised voice reached his ears. Mr. Wolf King, you’re here!” 

The car window rolled down, revealing a young girl with bright eyes and shiny teeth

It was Lyra

Lyra, what a coincidence!Andrius did not expect to meet Lyra here and asked casually, Where are you 


Lyra smiled sweetly and said, Grandpa asked me to deliver some medicine to the martyrsfamilies. Why don’t you come with me?” 

Lyra knew that Andrius cared about the soldiers the most, so a bright idea suddenly struck her, and she invited him along

Andrius thought about it and agreed since he had nothing else to do


He got into the passenger seat

Unbeknownst to them, Luna in her Ferrari behind them saw everything clearly

Lyra Artemis” 

Luna stared at the departing BMW. Her fair and slender fingers gripped the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Jealousy could make a person turn ugly Even Luna, due to the waves of jealousy, could not regain her composure

It was not like this several months ago

Lyra always called Andrius Mr. Wolf King, or Mr. Doctor 

What an affectionate nickname

Was their relationship just pure

Luna did not believe it

If Andrius got tempted one day, then Lyra would become her love rival

Luna suddenly remembered a detail. During the celebration banquet, Halle had asked her if she would look youthful and charming in a schoolgirl outfit. That day, Lyra had been wearing an outfit similar to a schoolgirl uniform


She also remembered that Andrius was hiding in the crowd at that time, and Halle had already taken an 


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