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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 982


Chapter 982 

Andrius only glanced at Luna and instinctively said, That’s impossible!” 

He had been intimate with Luna a few days ago. He could be sure that at that time, Luna was still a helpless woman with no inner energy at all

How could she have transformed into a Martial King in just a few days

That was simply impossible

After all, he knew from experience that breaking through to become a Martial Lord was already perilous 

and arduous

Nothing is impossible.Kate said meaningfully, After Ms. Crestfall returned, I saw that her aura was steady and her breaths were long and deep. It didn’t seem like she was an ordinary person, so I probed her with inner energy

Then, guess what happened?” 

Kate’s beautiful eyes looked at Andrius with a mysterious smile

Andrius frowned and did not respond

Kate continued, She pushed me back with a single palm strike, nearly injuring me.” 


Andriusexpression changed. He immediately went up to Luna and checked her wrist

Sure enough, Luna’s meridians contained inner energy that was incredibly robust and vigorous

Luna!Andrius stared intently at Luna and asked in a low voice, What’s going on here?” 

Since you already know, I won’t hide it from you.Luna had already coordinated her story with Old Hagstorm and simply said, In fact, I’ve known your master for a long time. He was the one who gave me my inner energy.” 

Andrius was deeply shocked and began to connect the dots

Luna continued, When you led the Lycantroops east to Kiyoto, Master already contacted me

At that time, he analyzed the situation and told me that you would be obstructed by the ancient martial families, so he passed me the Dragon Manor Token. He told me to lead the Dragon Manor to provide support from the shadows. When you were in mortal danger, I was to come out and help you.” 

The Dragon Manor

Andrius was struck by realization

The Dragon Manor was a secret force cultivated by Old Hagstorm. It was no wonder he found the Dragon Manor Lord so familiar

That was why he found her back familiar. It was because she was Luna

Then, he connected the dots regarding several other events as well

Since Luna was the Dragon Manor Lord, it was undoubtedly she who impersonated Kate to contact the three great families, forced the Medicine Sect to get involved, and pressured the Swallow family

The mastermind behind all this was none other than Old Hagstorm

However, Andrius was still filled with questions

For instance, why did Old Hagstorm want the Medicine Sect to get involved? Why did he arrange everything for Andrius


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