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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 990


Chapter 990 

In the Warzone Master’s residence of the Central Warzone headquarters, Terry was in a meeting room conducting a meeting with his generals

Sir!A soldier rushed in, breathing heavily and reporting, Sir, someone has broken into the residence!” 

What?Terry stood up and walked out with a cold expression, shouting, “I want to see who dares have the audacity to barge into my residence!” 

Central Warzone Master, what a display of authority!” 

Before Terry could leave the room, a voice from outside laughed coldly

Then, a slim figure entered with confident strides. It was Noir

Terry was shocked to see Noir and asked, Captain Black, why are you here?” 

It’s not just me.Noir said coldly, “The Wolf King is here as well!” 

The Wolf King” 

Terry was even more astonished

However, before he could finish his sentence, a shadow dashed in and delivered a kick to his chest, sending him flying and crashing to the ground

Then, the figure stepped on Terry’s chest. It was Andrius

WWolf King” 

Even though Terry was pinned down, he still greeted Andrius respectfully

Andrius snorted and questioned, Terry, let me ask you. Back when we were in the western region, how did I teach you to act as a commander? What was the pledge you recited under Florence’s flag?” 

Terry did not understand why Andrius was suddenly mentioning this and was momentarily dumbfounded

However, nearly every mid- to highlevel member of the Lycantroops was mentored by Andrius. They held deep admiration and worshiped him

Even though Terry was now the Central Warzone Master, he still followed Andriusorders strictly. He immediately recited the Lycantroopspledge. I live as a Florencian and die as a Florencian

We were raised under its banner and grew with its spring breezes. Our vision is devoted to Florence, and our flag is our faith

As commanders, we bear hardships with courage, vanquish our foes, forget our families when we receive orders, and ignore our own lives in the face of the enemy. We protect the people and secure the nation, bringing luster to the lands of Florence

As officials, we uphold an unsullied reputation, remain selfrestrained, fear not the influential, and mistreat not the weak. We uphold justice for the country, the wellbeing of its people, and never detach ourselves from the masses.” 

With those words, silence filled the residence

Only Andriuscold laughter rang through

Well said. Fear not the influential and mistreat not the weak. Uphold the justice for the country and the wellbeing of its people.” 

At that point, he glanced at Noir

Noir understood and immediately brought Gerard and the other injured soldiers in

Terry’s expression instantly changed slightly when he saw the soldiers

Come.Andrius pointed to Gerard and the others, angrily questioning Terry, Explain to them in front of me. How did you uphold justice and fear not the influential

Kane Hardy violated the law and sent people to attack the squad at night, but what justice did you seek 

for them

The soldiers were just doing their jobs and came to you when they faced a great disaster, but what did you do?” 

Andriusquestions were thunderous

Wolf KingA trace of guilt flashed on Terry’s face as he sighed. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want this to happen either, but I had no choice” 

Andrius frowned slightly and raised his foot off Terry’s chest. I’ll give you a chance to explain yourself.” 

Thank you, Wolf King.” 

Terry climbed up from the ground and did not defend himself immediately. Instead, he said to the generals who had come for the meeting, We’ll postpone the meeting for another day. Please leave for 



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