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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 995


Chapter 995 

Behind him were Noir, Fergus, the Black Hawk, and other martial realm experts

The three martial realm experts from the Swallow family were slightly stunned at first, but when they recognized Andrius, they sneered disdainfully, I wondered who it was blowing hot air here, but it turns out to be you, trash

Last time, our family head kicked you into the magma. You were lucky to survive. This time, you won’t be that lucky!” 

The three of them exchanged sinister laughs and prepared to attack

Capturing Andrius back to the Swallows might be a big achievement

Perfect!Andrius grinned, his smile seemingly radiant but filled with an overwhelming killing intent.Today, we’ll settle old and new scores together!” 

Then, he ordered Noir and the others, Go!” 

Heh, even with more numbers, ants are still ants!” 

As martial realm experts from the Swallows, the trio were arrogant. They did not take Noir and the others seriously at all


Noir instantly grinned and said to the people behind him, It’s time to show our real skills. Everyone, bring out your true abilities!” 

Then, he took the lead and charged at the leader


They exchanged a palm strike, with the bald man gaining the advantage

However, before he could gloat, another figure rushed forward. It was Fergus

Although Noir and the others were not as experienced as the three, they had the upper hand in numbers 

Thus, after a period of working together, the group gradually adapted to the trio’s attacks and grew even more excited

The bald man and his group were clearly stronger than Noir and the others, but they were suppressed due to the numerical disadvantage. They felt extremely frustrated


They did not dare to delay anymore and exchanged a glance, then simultaneously exerted a force to push Noir and the others back. Then, they shouted to the inner hall, We can’t hold on any longer. Young Master, please lend a hand!” 


Just as they spoke, a dark figure with an overwhelming aura suddenly dashed out from the entrance like a flying bat




Chapter 995 


With just a slight effort, Noir and the others were sent retreating by over a dozen steps. They barely managed to regain their footing, but their bodies continued to wobble

In contrast, the figure dressed in a white robe stood coolly in front of the three Swallow family martial realm experts. He fanned himself with a folding fan, exuding an aura of arrogance. He was the Young Master the three mentioned, a legitimate heir of the Swallows, Osian Swallow


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