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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 21

Riona was lying down on her bed and going through her phone. She was all alone at home. Wright had not returned the previous night and she was not in the least bothered by his absence. He never informed her of his intending absence neither had he call to inform her of his reasons for not coming back home.

In the past, Riona would have immediately contacted her dad the moment she noticed that he was usually late from work. But this time around, she was not bothered and so she did not dial his line, not even for once to inquire about his whereabouts or the reasons for his absence.

Her refusal to check up on him was borne out of the conflict from their last encounter when he had been out all night and had intentionally ignored her calls and even though she tried to not admit it, it was also triggered by his revelation of an intention to marry Maeve, Riona’s mortal enemy. So, she has made a decision never to be bothered about his where about anymore.

She was still on her bed browsing through her phone when she began to hear some noises. She wondered where the noises might be coming from, but after a little observation, she realized that it was coming from downstairs.

Initially, she ignored the noise and went on with her phone as she felt that the noise must be from dad who had not returned the previous day.

If he had not returned the previous day and had not given her a prior information of his absence neither did he thought it wise to put a call or a text across to inform her of his reasons, then they was no need going to go and welcome him. Riona reasoned.

“You can go for as long as you wish as I no longer give a f**k” she cursed.

Even though Riona had resolved not to be bothered by her dad’s activities downstairs, she became concerned when the noise was beginning to get too loud and persistent. The noise was beginning to disturb her and she could not continue to ignore it even if she tried to.

She wondered what her dad might be doing to be generating so much noise all by himself. Or maybe he was not alone but was here with some other persons or maybe he was not the one that was making the noise downstairs.

Even with this thought, she still ignored his presence and whatever he was up to and continued with her phone as she was sure that there was no way any other person would gain access to their house.

The noise continued and she could swear that she was hearing some other voices, different from her dad’s. At first, she was scared and was unwilling to go downstairs by herself.

She tried to dial her dad’s number, she wanted to alert him of the presence of intruders in their property but then she stopped.

“I can take care of this myself” she murmured and placed her phone on the bed.

She got up from the bed. “I am alone and I better start getting used to that”

And even though she was terrified and certain that there was little or nothing that she could do against the intruders, she stubbornly stocked to her decision. She had decided to go downstairs and see whatever was happening for herself even if that would be her end.

She bent down by her bedside and brought out a little cartoon that was carefully hidden at the edge of the bed. She opened it and took out the pistol that was wrapped inside.

“They don’t know what is about to hit them” she smirked.

The pistol was given to her by her mum a few weeks before her death. While handing it over to Riona, Evolette had instructed her never to use it unless it was absolutely necessary to. As at when she had received the pistol, Riona had felt that she would never have use for it, but right now, she was pleased that she has it.

She opened the door and walked out. Even with her pistol, she was scared, but was also determined not to show it less her attackers would know how weak she was and might take advantage of that to overpower her. Her hands trembled as she held the pistol. She has only practiced with toy guns and had never used the pistol before. In fact, she had always prayed that a day will never come when she would need to use it. But right now, she has no choice. She is been attacked and she must defend herself.

As Riona walked through the passage, she silently prayed that her fears were wrong and that no one was here to attack her. She held the pistol with her right hand, and hid the hand behind so that whoever she comes in contact with would not know that she had a gun.

She arrived downstairs, and was intrigued with the sight of Maeve dragging a bag into the house. She looked around and noticed that there were some boxes in the sitting room. She smartly hid the pistol in the back pocket of her jean and dragged her polo down to cover it.


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