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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 22

Wright does not need to be told of what was happening amongst the ladies. He could feel the tension that filled the whole room. It was as loud as the wave that swept across the ocean.

No one was saying anything to him. They all looked at him with their eyes begging for answers. An answer only he can provide.

For the first time, he felt disappointed with himself. He had played on the intelligence of every single one of the people in this room and he does not know what had been on his mind all along. He doesn’t even know what he was thinking when he did what he did.

But now is not the time for regrets and he knew that. He cannot make things right, but he felt he could at least patch things up, at least in the meantime. He does not know how he was going to do it, but he prays that he is able to maneuver through this right now and at least ease the already built tension between the ladies before it would explode.

Thinking of what to do, he figured that Riona was the real contention in this case and that it was better to try to appease her first. Maeve and Riley are issues that he can handle some other time.

“Rio, why don’t you come down and say hello to your new mummy” he forced some smile.

Riona was dazed and with her eyes wide open she could only bring herself to whisper “Mummy?”

Riona was not only flabbergasted as saying this would be an understatement. She was completely lost and confused. It was as if her whole world came to a standstill and her life was crumbling right before her. What does her dad mean by referring to Maeve as her new mummy, was there any wedding yet? These and many more thought roved in her head.

Wright tried to pull himself together and acted as comported as he could “Come on honey, the wedding yesterday went on well and I am glad to see that you are better now”.

When Maeve had insisted that Riona must give her consent before she would go on with the marriage, Wright knew that was going to be impossible and without getting the requisite consent from Riona, Wright had told Maeve that Riona had consented and Maeve having to reason to doubt his integrity, had believed him.

However, when it was a few days to the wedding, Wright had informed Maeve that Riona would not be coming to their wedding. This had made Maeve curious and worried at the same time as she could not understand why Riona would not want to be present on her dad’s special and she had insisted on knowing the reason for such a decision and Wright had lied that Riona’s absence was as a result of her having fallen ill suddenly.

On receiving the news of Riona’s illness, Maeve had insisted on paying a visit to her, but Wright had discouraged her from doing that and since the preparation of the wedding was taking a lot of her time, Maeve had to succumb to his will.

“Better? Riona asked in confusion.

Riona was becoming even more confused. Had her father gone behind her to wed Maeve and had told everyone her sickness was the reason for her absence at his wedding?

Riona felt that Maeve was capable of just anything, but she had never suspected that she was also a crook who goes sneaking around to get married to a widower with a kid just so as to sneak her way into his house. By this singular act that she had witnessed, her hatred for Maeve had skyrocketed, and all she could wish for was how she would strangle her right now with her bare hands or better still, test the effectiveness of her pistol on her.

Angrily, Riona reached for her back pockets. Her hand touched the pistol and started to pull it out.

“Come on everyone, can you go drop your luggages, I would like to have a chat with Riona alone. You know coming out of an ill-health can be something else” Wright instructed.

Her dad’s words made her have a rethink her intention. She could see how hard he was struggling to get her to cover up for him and she knows just how difficult this must be for him. He had betrayed her and she was not supposed to care about his feeling. But for the love that they both share, she would not hurt him.

So she slowly withdrew her hand from her pocket. He was in many difficulties already and she was not ready to make this harder for him. She vows that she was going to devise another strategy, one that would only affect Maeve and Riley and get them to leave her house, one that would have nothing to do with her dad.

“That won’t be necessary Wright, whatever you’ve got to say should be said right here, before me” Maeve objected.

Maeve felt she has to discuss this together with Wright and Riona right now because she does not understand what was happening. She wanted to know what would have necessitated Riona referring to her as a bitch. She has to get this over with now to forestall future occurrences.

Riona was angry at Maeve’s audacity. With who does she wants to discuss with? Riona thought. Riona does not care what had happened, this woman would have to leave this house this very minute. She resolved within herself.

“Maeve” Wright called.

Wright wanted Maeve to leave him to his daughter, Riona. He knew how pompous Riona could be, and he does not want any of that for Maeve just yet.

“She has to leave, dad,” Riona said.

“You said what?” they all chorused.

“Maeve and Riley have to leave this house, I don’t want them and they are not welcomed here. I don’t recognize whatever happened between you two, I can’t stay in the same space with these imposters” Riona screamed.


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