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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 824

As the original author, Sienna was actively involved in discussions about the script and adaptation adjustments with the director and actors.

Sienna showed up on the first day of filming. The opening ceremony buzzed with activity though it was lengthy and steeped in tradition. After the ceremony, the entire cast and crew gathered for a group photo.

Numerous filming locations were found at the film studio, where crews and actors were bustling around.

After completing her work, Sienna left alone with her bag in hand. She hadn't gotten far when Vivian blocked her path.

Clad in an elegant, ancient costume for her scene, Vivian braved the summer heat with an umbrella in one hand and a small electric fan in the other, cooling herself off.

"Oh my! I never expected such a distinguished romance writer to resort to dirty tactics to seduce men," Vivian exclaimed.

Baffled by her accusations, Sienna regarded Vivian with a frosty gaze and wondered if Vivian had lost her mind. Without a word, Sienna ignored her and walked past as if Vivian was invisible.

"Do you really think it's something to be proud of, seducing a blind police officer who's still hopelessly in love with his ex? You even turned it into a book. How shameless can you get?" Vivian snapped.

Sienna stopped dead in her tracks.

With a smirk, Vivian closed the distance between them and taunted, "I heard your last book caught the attention of some big-shot film producer and it's getting adapted into a film. The male lead is based on Daniel, isn't it? And the female lead is you."

Sienna clenched her fists, feeling a wave of unease wash over her. The characters drew inspiration from real people, but the story remained purely fictional. The content became so sensational that it even made her feel embarrassed to read it.

"Has Daniel read it?" Vivian asked.

"What do you want?" Sienna asked anxiously.

Vivian's excitement grew as she noticed how anxious Sienna looked. "Looks like he hasn't read it yet. He doesn't know how scheming you are, does he?"

Sienna clenched her fists tighter, her expression turning grim.


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