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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 825

The book was abruptly pulled from Daniel's grasp, and Sienna stumbled into his arms. Startled, he furrowed his brows as he steadied Sienna.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

Panting, Sienna asked, "How much have you read?"

Daniel's voice softened, though his face remained tense. "Almost all of it. Can you change the ending?"

"No, it's already set in stone," said Sienna. Her cheeks felt warm.

"Maybe a spin-off, or a sequel?"

"The female lead's already gone. Even a sequel wouldn't bring her back."

Daniel let out a long sigh, feeling a heavy weight settle in his chest that he knew wouldn't lift anytime soon. He pulled Sienna into his lap and murmured, "Why end it so tragically?"

Sienna hung her head in silence. Back then, she was convinced that Daniel was devoted to his first love. Therefore, ending the story as she had was fitting.

Gently playing with her hair, Daniel looked at her blushing face and asked, "Darling, is it true what's written in the book? Did you fall for me at first sight?"

Sienna nodded shyly.

Daniel's face broke into a bright smile, his voice filled with excitement as he asked, "So, those flirtatious moves you described the female lead using on the male lead—were you thinking of trying them on me?"

Feeling embarrassed and awkward, Sienna closed her eyes and nodded cautiously. She wished she could just vanish.

"Why didn't you?" Daniel asked.

He felt a pang of regret for the time wasted. If Sienna had been bolder, like her character in the book, and used those moves to seduce him, he would have fallen for her at the very first move.

"I couldn't possibly do that," Sienna replied with a bashful smile. "How could a decent girl like me do such things? They're just fantasies for my books."

Daniel gave a wry smile, pulling her closer and nuzzling her neck. He took in the scent of her skin and whispered, "You wrote about the male lead getting drunk and the female lead forced herself on him. Why does that plot sound so familiar?"


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