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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 826

Sienna pulled away shyly. "Honey, we're in the study. It's hardly the place for this."

Daniel removed her clothing, lifted her, and settled her onto his lap. He cradled her face and tilted his head up to kiss her.

"Though we've missed some time together, it's fine because you're here with me now and I can feel your presence so strongly. You're right beside me, and in the end, I never missed having you by my side," Daniel murmured.

The rays of the sunset streamed into the dimly lit study through the window. The soft, amorous glow added to the passionate atmosphere surrounding them. Their hearts raced.

Daniel lifted his hips to remove his pants. Cupping Sienna's face, he kissed her deeply and passionately. Utterly infatuated, he longed for the most intense connection to feel her presence.

He felt a void in his heart after reading her book and was deeply saddened by the fate of the characters. He immediately needed something passionate to fill his emptiness. Now, making love to Sienna seemed the perfect way to satisfy that profound need.

His hands slid down from Sienna's cheeks, caressing her soft body before settling on her slender waist. With his strong arms supporting her, he began to move his body.

Daniel leaned close to Sienna's ear and nibbled her earlobe. With a husky voice, he said, "Sweetheart, it's your turn now."

Sienna wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. Her breaths were hot and quick and her moans were soft and shy.

They surrendered to their intimacy without restraint. Their heavy breathing echoed in the dimness of the study.

Sienna lay exhausted on Daniel's chest, nearly falling asleep.

He gently ran his fingers through her long hair and murmured, "Promise me you'll stop writing such a heartbreaking novel. They sour my mood."

Sienna hummed in a sleepy tone.


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