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Their forced luna novel Chapter 91


Raul took me through the house and into the backyard. I craned my neck to stare up at him. "Where are we going?"

"Well, if your power happens to be of the flamey sort, we don't want you burning down the place." Jesse interrupted while ruffling my hair.

"What kind of powers are there?"

Jesse looked at Raul over my head. "Tyler is the better one for all the lectures."

Raul huffed. "I'm perfectly able to give explanations." he gave Jesse a cool glare before shifting his attention to me. "As you know, the Prime has power over fire, that we know of. It's possible he can extend himself further but that depends on him."

I studied my hands twisting them this way and that. "How do you even know I have powers?"

Raul smirked. "Call it a hunch." he nodded to Jesse. "Set up the targets."

Jesse chuckled and set up palm-sized wooden markers around the yard. "Got it."

Raul gently set me down, his hands lingering on my hips. "Ready?"

I nodded. I wasn't sure this was really going to work, but I was willing to try anything.

"Let's start with you closing your eyes. I want you to focus on nothing but the blackness behind your eyelids. Ignore the sounds the smells, everything else."

I closed my eyes as instructed. It was harder to drown out the surrounding noises, or the soft breath of Raul behind me. My stupid body was getting way too used to being used by everyone around me. I was getting excited at just being near the hounds which made no sense.

"Focus," Raul chided in my ear. His fingers flexed around my waist and I let out a muffled gasp.

I tried again until only the blackness surrounded me. Now what I was supposed to do?

Anger vibrated through me, throbbing from the mark on my forehead. Anger, rage, and sick twisted desire. I tried to ignore it, hide from it but it surrounded me, beating like a drum. I was an animal being backed into a cage.

"Amanda!" my wolf snapped.

I reached out to her in my mind and my fingertips tingled. Cold spiraled around me like a tornado. Had a storm started? I wanted to open my eyes but something inside told me not yet.


Ares reached out to me, the coldness around me burned and I gasped at the harshness.

"That's it, Amanda!" Raul's excited voice filtered through into my bubble.

I thought about the targets that had been set up. Thought about the one that had been positioned the farthest away and threw all the energy swirling around me at that.

Someone whooped beside me and my eyes snapped open. Jesse grinned at me while Raul's thumbs caressed my hips where he still held me steady. "Good job," he praised.

I turned my attention to where the target had been and stared at the sight in front of me. Half of the tree behind it was frozen in a thick layer of ice, but the other half was a blackened charred mess. "What happened?"

"You missed the target," Jesse observed with a chuckle.

Raul scowled at him. "Ignore him, he's being an asshole."

"And you're being a flirt," Jesse challenged back with a defiant little smirk.

"You did a great job," Raul praised me again. "Though, I wasn't expecting your powers to be mixed. That's different from the previous Luna."

Zale's mother? "What was she like?" I blurted.

Raul tilted his head and glanced at Jesse. "Strict?" he suggested.

Jesse shrugged. "It doesn't matter what she was. It matters what you are. We don't have time for memory lane. You need to be picking this up as fast as Zale does. I'll put more targets out, focus on the targets, only the targets. If you wield that kind of magic without finesse you will kill your allies."

"Jesse!" Raul snapped with a growl.

The hound held his hands up in defense. "Would you rather me lie to her because I want to fuck her? Come on, man. Show her some respect."

Raul snarled again and sighed. "Listen, Luna, you are doing a great job. For a first try that was fantastic, but we do have to work on control. I don't really want to be frozen or burned to a crisp by either of you."

I studied the tree again stuck between the two extremes and the flawless marker in front of it. "Will I have to close my eyes like that the entire time?"

"Only until you understand how your power flows through you. You're tapping into that of the Prime."

I had touched into Ares power, that was true. "I also tapped into my wolf. That's where the ice came from, her."

"Oh," Raul loosened his grip on me and took a step backwards, his eyebrows furrowed. "Your wolf gave you power?"

Jesse shook his head. "That shouldn't be possible. The Prime is the one the power stems from. Are you sure you were able to get power from your wolf?" He stepped toward me and I winced.

Why did they look so concerned?

There was no doubt in my mind. "It was her."

Jesse and Raul looked at each other over my head again. Their emotions were hard to read but worry stood out most of all.

"Amanda," Raul whispered my name. His hold increased and he pulled me firmly against his body. "We need to know everything we can about your past. Your family, your pack, everything."

What was with these guys? Why was it such a big deal that my wolf had powers too? "Can you please just tell me what's going on?"

Jesse gave Raul a long look before turning his focus on me. "Amanda, if your wolf can give you power, that means you're not a normal wolf. I'm not sure what you are because as far as I know only Prime's have the ability to tap into magic like that. Well, Primes and hellhounds."

"There's no way she's a hellhound," Raul replied with a shake of his head. "Amanda, please, tell us everything. We have to know. What are you?"


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