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Their forced luna novel Chapter 92


Tyler jerked and his attention was diverted from me as he stared off in the direction Amanda had taken. "What is it?"

He shook his head, frowning. "Something, isn't right. I saw something."

I waited for him to elaborate but he didn't.

A fireball flared to life beside me, a tiny one, but enough to get his attention. I set it straight for my teacher's hair.

Tyler didn't even notice when it caught aflame.

What was going on?


The hound jerked to attention and noticed the fire raging in his head and put it out with a pat on the head. The fire curled around his fingers then vanished. "That was immature of you, Prime."

So was sniffing after my woman but I hadn't pointed that out yet. I knew what her ultimate decision was. My little Luna was a greedy woman and after the life she had, I didn't blame her. If she wanted to fuck all the hounds, I'd allow it. Everyone knew who was in charge and that was all that mattered.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on that's so important over there?" I nodded toward the direction he stared in. "Did you see something?"

"Felt," he responded. "Your Luna, what is her history? Where did you find her?"

What? I frowned as I studied him. What kind of question was that? Ares growled. He didn't like this line of questioning either. "She's your Luna too, Hound."

Tyler waved me off. "That's not what I meant."

"Then explain yourself or I'll take Jess's whip and use it on you."

Tyler sighed. "Your woman isn't who we thought she was. She has powers beyond what she can tap from you. She's able to use her own wolf."

I looked from Tyler to where the others were. "How do you know that?"

"I can communicate with my pack, just like you can yours. There might be another reason that other pack was using her like they did. We have to find out where she came from."

He stared at me as if what he was should be important. I scoffed. "All that matters is what I know. She's mine, she's having my pup, and nothing is going to change that."

"Even if she ends up being from a demon background? Or something else?" Tyler suggested.

I snarled. "Drop it. I told you what matters to me. I don't give a fuck where she comes from."

"She could be a hellhound descendent as well."

Groaning, I ran a hand through my hair. The fireballs popped into place around me, rotating and twirling around until I was in the center of a giant tornado. "Even then, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care if she came from the Prime line, nothing is taking her from me, do you understand?"

Tyler nodded. "I understand, Prime." he watched me for a moment and his lip twitched. "I would say you've got the hang of it now. Would you like to go through a few more rounds of practice?"

I tilted my head watching my fire flare around me. I wanted to go raze the entire pack she'd come from, but not yet. I was not going to fail in front of my mate again. The asshole that had tortured and abused her for so long as going to pay. "Tyler."


"You've worked with my father. Tell me, how do I compare to him? Will these powers be of use against what we're facing?"

He didn't answer right away. He looked off into the distance judging my words. "You're not as strong as him. You have power, but your control is not nearly in the same degree as his was. He could create fire waves that were as strong as the sun, they would blister the skin off of his enemies before he even got within their reach. Until his heart was taken."

I studied my hands. "And for the rest? Are we strong enough to take this Rigar on?" It was odd to have doubt, it wasn't an emotion I was familiar with.

Tyler chuckled. "Are you asking me to look into the future? Don't you have an Oracle for that?"

Jealousy? I shook my head. "It never hurts to have more than one look into my possible future. The fact remains that my Oracle led me to my mate, something I'm forever grateful for. Amanda is everything I've wanted."

"Very well." Tyler's flames appeared around him and he peered through the portal that formed. His green flames danced and he stared off into one. I wish I could have seen it myself but it was nothing but smoke to me.

"At your current power you can achieve victory, but it won't be easy. You have the power, Prime, but your enemy has numbers and a way to replenish them."

"You're staying behind?" I should have assumed it would be him. Who better to guard than one who could see it coming? "Will you need others?"

Tyler continued to look into his portal. "It becomes risky to you if I take another. If the demons attack it will be a hard battle, and while I can keep lives safe, there is no guarantee I can keep your Kingdom safe. If Jesse were to stay with me, both would be secured, but then your mission could be at risk."

"My people are more important than the land we stand on. Besides, if any of the fuckers dare to take this land, when I get back I'm going to work on my control and force fireballs up their ass to grow once they're in there and blow the bastards up."

Tyler shook his head with a chuckle. "Then I think we're both ready to carry out our missions. We will have to find out the extent of her power, and why she has it. If not for you, then for her own sake. For all we know we might have more than the demons to worry about when this is over."

I shrugged. "The answer is the same. No matter what, Amanda is mine and nobody is taking her away. I don't care who it is, the Goddess herself is already on shitlist, if I have to take her out to keep Amanda safe, it's done."

Besides, that bitch was trying to use my future child against me. Even if all of this turned out perfectly fine, I was going to rip the Moon Goddess apart. Teniv could lead for all I cared.


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