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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100: A Life For a Life

Knox POV 

Are you sure you want to do this?The stranger beside me asked, but I kept silent, looking down at the bloodred stain on the floor. I could sense him growing irritable. Do you think having your brother and mate come to you is wise? You’re not in the right frame of mind, sport!He added with a sigh

My father is a good man!I confessed, unsure why it was important that this man heard me acknowledge that

Was, he WAS a good man, Knox. He is dead.The stranger corrected me bluntly. I should be upset, and perhaps I was, but he was right. And I understood why he was angry; he had come here to see my father and catch up with a beer after a few years, and instead of getting that beer together, he would be attending my father’s funeral, instead

Yeah, I know.I uttered sadly

And you know why he is dead?He questioned me like I was a damn child

Because of me!I repeated bluntly, my eyes trying to make heads or tails of the blood on the floor. He and I had been chatting for the last twenty minutes after he found me leaving Lottie’s room. He had gotten lost trying to find my father’s room; he wanted to pay his respects to my dad. But when he saw me, he fell into a panic, begging me not to hurt him

Even Havoc felt so much remorse for how we were now viewed; he had vanished into himself. I couldn’t even sense him; he had dug himself that far into my mind. Once I got the stranger whose name I had forgotten to calm down, I asked. him why he had thought I would hurt him, and he told me.. the truth that no one else was telling me

This was all my fault



13.15 Mon, 18 Mar CBG 

Chapter 100: A Life For a Life

Because of you!He repeated, his hand sliding up my back reassuringly. I know this is hard, Knox, but you have to take responsibility for this, or no one will heal and get the closure they need if you don’t own this and make it right.He offered boldly

I don’t remember it.I admitted with a deep sigh, the blood still making no 


You don’t remember what?The kind stranger asked, his heavyset brow 


Killing him. I am not even sure if I..” 

You did.He cut me off. I was here, and your father was an Alpha; taking him down would take a hell of a lot.He confirmed. Nodding with him, I understood his logic, but something was clawing at the back of my head, telling me not to listen

Could it have been Sebastian?I asked, recalling the moments before Havoc 

allowed me some control

You tried to kill Sebastian; even Havoc told you that.He reminded me, but I found myself frowning. Did I tell him? I don’t recall telling anyone but Kane and Lottie. Lifting my eyes from the pool of my father’s blood, I moved over to where Sebestin had been found and tried to recall what had happened, the stranger 

moving to stand behind me again.. 

I can help you remember if you like?He admitted. Spinning, I came face to face with the greyeyed male; I had never seen him before tonight. He looked about my age, so how did he know my father? It made no sense, but he just seemed to have all the answers and knew exactly what I needed

Yes! Help me!I conceded with a shake of my head, knowing Lottie and Kane would burst through the doors at any second

OK, relax your mind to me, sport.He told me, his fingers working over my temples, similar to what Sage had done to me earlier. Maybe Sage’s powers were more common than I thoughtwere my last thoughts before a poorly rated movie erupted in my mind


13:15 Mon, 18 Mar G BO 

Chapter 100. A Life For a Life

Havoc was in full swing, ripping through the ballroom; he was barreling towards Sebestan, teeth snapping and snarling, despite Bash’s pleas for him to stop. Mercilessly, he gripped Bash by the thigh and flung him around like a predator killing its prey. I heard the bones cracking, but that wasn’t enough. Havoc dropped Bash with a thud to the floor, determined to fulfil the deal that Mike had been offered so that no one could take Lottie from us

With a deadly snarl, he pounced on Bash, who was unable to shift and brutally bit down on his abdomen; I could feel the flesh tearing under my wolf’s jaw as if it was happening now, and I knew the attack would be fatal. As much as I wanted to be sad, and as much as I regretted what my foolish wolf had done, I understood whyHe was trying to save our mate bond

My father came into view as he rushed me, attacking me with his entire force, sending Havoc sliding back a few feet. Havoc, enraged that someone had dared to challenge him, stepped forward, knocking my father to the floor, his large paw landing on his chest, crushing it, until we watched his eyes gloss over with the air, leaving his lungs as blood filled them

No!I whispered, knowing before he showed me any more that this was my fault. He was right! I knew Havoc was crushing his organs- piercing them with his ribs- killing him

What have I done!” 

Son, please! don’t do this!My father appealed to me

I love you, son; please help me!His last words were him begging me to save him, to stop, but I didn’t; instead, I slammed my paw down on his neck, killing him quickly

A mercy

I watched Havoc remove his paw, my father’s eyes no longer pleading but dead 

and empty

I killed him!I gasped as the vision evaporated; I had worked my way back to my father’s final spot during the heartbreaking scenes. No!I sobbed, falling to the 


Chapter 100: A Life For a Life

floor, my fingers winding through what was left of my father.. the bloody evidence of my betrayal

You need to make this right, Knox. You can’t make Kane pass judgement on this! You can’t expect him to sentence his brother.. you can’t ask that of him. YOU need to fix this.The stranger and only person being honest with me cooed, my eyes burning from the tears streaming from my cheeks; looking up into the stranger’s cold eye, I shook my eyes

I will run!I nodded; seeing the doubt in his eyes, I sucked in a sharp breath

That won’t be enough; they will spend their lives looking for you, Knox! They will be honourbound to avenge this. You need to correct this.. permanently! You need to repent for your crimes..My new friend shared with me


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