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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101: You Trust Me, don’t You


Lottie POV 

Knox, I am coming! Stay there, ok, Stud?I asked my mate through the mate bond I shared with them both

I won’t be leaving this room until we have spoken.Knox cut through the bond, his tone lighter than it had been seconds ago, like he had come to his senses after. hearing Kane and me. Maybe he just needed us! I knew rushing off to try and save the pack was a risk. A part of me wanted to say fuck them and stay with my mates, help them get through what I knew would be the most challenging moments of their lives

I just thought that they had supported each other for years before I popped into their lives again; I knew I was trying to rationalise the guilt I had for leaving them to help Sebastian. But honestly, nothing about this day was rational

Day?? Let’s try week!Sage disputed with a huff that made me sigh because this shit was insane. When were we going to catch a break? It felt like we would sort one problem only for another to pop up. I just wanted to get my boys, fall into bed with them, and sleep until all of this felt like a distant memory

Ok, Knox.. We are coming!I replied before he shut me out of the link. Kane’s eyes met mine, and I knew he was as confused by his brother’s moods as I was

Are you going to tell them about Selene?Sage asked, still humming off the visit with the goddess. Or the demon?” 


I don’t know.I admitted, motioning for Kane to let me pull him to his feet. Not 

Do you know where he Is?Kane asked, like me; his eyes shone with weariness, redrimmed from crying, but it was the pain that I couldn’t cope with, seeing it swim so vividly behind his eyes, eyes that usually held unwavering strength. He had my heart breaking


Tue, 19 Mar 

Chapter 101: You Trust Me, don’t You


The hall.I nodded, holding my hand out for him to take. Come on, Ace. Let’s go get him.I smiled warmly, leaving out the part about how tired he looked. Kane’s hand stroked mine, and flutters exploded in my stomach as sparks shot across my palm. The feeling had me smiling like a fool

I never want that to stop!I nodded to his hand in mine, a smile slowly lifting on his lips. His fingers toyed with the skin that was buzzing with our bond as he allowed me to lift him to his feet

What are we gonna say to him?Kane asked, winding his hand around my back to pull my body against him. Fuck I loved the way he was with me, even now, when I could feel his heart shattering; this man needed to touch me constantly, love me openly and without a care for anyone else; he always left me in no doubt that I was his only priority

We are not, I am!I declared, pulling from him to descend the stairs, needing got distracted by his handsome face and 

to put a little space between us before y quiet like everyone was too scared to 

welcoming touch. The packhouse was 

come out, and I got it and understood, given what they’d witnessed. I knew they were all fearful in case they ran into Havoc

But I am going to start by kicking his ass for making me walk up these stairs again! I admitted with a sideways smile to my mate. His lips twitched slightly in amusement, and I knew he wasn’t in the mood for my cuteness; he needed to know I had a plan. Sighing slowly, I let out a breath and decided to give him what he thought he needed

He just needs to know it wasn’t his fault, Kane.I acknowledged speeding up a little, suddenly feeling a bit nervous to leave Knox alone, knowing a demon was roaming. I had heard the urgency in his voice, but I could see the heartbreak on Kane’s face and wanted to make sure he was ok before I allowed him to step into the ballroom with Knox. Or rather, Havoc

Allowed?Sage asked with a chuckle. Well, shit, Char, you can tell him that!She added, letting out an exaggerated puff of air

YES! And don’t you worry, I will be!I demanded, pursing my lips


12:02 Tue, 19 Mar ti

Chapter 101: You Trust Me, dont You

What’s wrong,Kane asked, squeezing me into his side. I can feel you, you know that, right?He smiled over at me, but his lips didn’t quite reach his eyes, sadness still weighing heavy on his soul, understandably

So you can feel how much I love you?I grinned, trying again to defuse the situation with my tenderness


Always. But what else is wrong?He asked sternly, his grip on my waist swerving to turn me, my feet no longer moving as I felt pushed back into a bannister, his eyes boring into mine with unwavering confidence that you simply couldn’t fake. Under different circumstances, I may enjoy this little moment, but right now, when I knew I was about to deliver news that either way would hurt my mate- this shit sucked.. 

Knox and Havoc need to know; this wasn’t their fault. They didn’t kill your father, Kane.Saying the words aloud, I knew, hurt Kane, given how his features pinched, and I hated myself for causing him pain. My hands shot up between us to cup his face in my bloodstained hands

Charlotte, I want to believe you I do, but I keep repaying the events, and I can’t see who else could have done this!” 


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