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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103: I Did It


Knox POV 

What is taking them so long!I barked, growing irritated. Running my free hand down my face, I sighed, knowing I would lose my nerve if they took much longer

I don’t know, but I would guess they are trying to think of something to say to you.The stranger offered from the corner of the room; he had suggested he hide so that I had a witness and support in case they tried to have me overpowered and silenced. He just wanted to help me, and I was grateful

What do you mean?I asked, spinning to look into the darkness, but I couldn’t 

see him any more

I mean, you sounded upset; they know you are suffering after what you did. I imagine they are trying to find ways to calm you down and lies they can tell you to ensure you stay subdued.He expressed into the empty ballroom, his voice bouncing off the high ceilings

Oh.I whispered. I wanted to take responsibility for my actions; I needed to. I got that, or they would spend the rest of their lives trying to live down my mistake. Or the guilt of having to kill me! Looking down at the bloodstained tiles, I sensed that familiar lump form in my throat and wondered how I had let everything get so wrong. I allowed my eyes to drift up the stairs that Lottie and I had less than an hour ago walked down together, hand in hand. Ready to present her as my mate, my world and the pack’s Luna

Knox?A precious voice echoed through the room, my whole body suddenly easing like her tranquil voice had the ability to soothe me

Hmm,I replied, refusing to pull my eyes from the stairs. I could sense her approaching and knew she wasn’t alone. Kane was with her. I could feel the apprehension rolling off him in thick waves and knew it was because he was scared I was going to hurt her, too. My friend was right about him. He no longer trusted mel I got that; I no longer trusted myself



12:02 Tue, 19 Mar ti No 

Chapter 103: I Did It

Chapter 103: I Did It


Knox POV 

What is taking them so long!I barked, growing irritated. Running my free hand down my face, I sighed, knowing I would lose my nerve if they took much longer.. 

I don’t know, but I would guess they are trying to think of something to say to you.The stranger offered from the corner of the room; he had suggested he hide so that I had a witness and support in case they tried to have me overpowered and silenced. He just wanted to help me, and I was grateful

What do you mean?I asked, spinning to look into the darkness, but I couldn’t see him any more. 

I mean, you sounded upset; they know you are suffering after what you did. I imagine they are trying to find ways to calm you down and lies they can tell you to ensure you stay subdued.He expressed into the empty ballroom, his voice bouncing off the high ceilings

Oh.I whispered. I wanted to take responsibility for my actions; I needed to. I got that, or they would spend the rest of their lives trying to live down my mistake. Or the guilt of having to kill me! Looking down at the bloodstained tiles, I sensed that familiar lump form in my throat and wondered how I had let everything get so wrong. I allowed my eyes to drift up the stairs that Lottie and I had less than an hour ago walked down together, hand in hand. Ready to present her as my mate, my world and the pack’s Luna

Knox?A precious voice echoed through the room, my whole body suddenly sing like her tranquil voice had the ability to soothe me

Hmm,I replied, refusing to pull my eyes from the stairs. I could sense her approaching and knew she wasn’t alone. Kane was with her. I could feel the apprehension rolling off him in thick waves and knew it was because he was scared I was going to hurt her, too, My friend was right about him. He no longer trusted me! I got that; I no longer trusted myself


12:02 Tue, 19 Mar

Chapter 103: I Did It


You ok, stud.She whispered, looming until I could feel her reaching for me; stepping away from her touch, my eyes drifted to the curtain that I had hidden behind with her, my fingers bringing her to a rather beautiful release that I was pleased was one of the last moments togethersomething to remember me by

What are you looking at, Knox?Kane asked, his voice firmer than the Lotties. Turning, I finally faced them; my eyes drifted over Lottie, and I felt my heart lunge at the sight of my stunning mate; she had her mother’s dress on still, although I could have sworn it had blood on earlier. At least, it did in the memory my friend had shown me. I suddenly felt a little confused by what was real and what was not

What happened to your dress I asked.” Pointing to it with my hand that held the dagger I planned to use to free us all of our problems

What the fuck is that?Kane hissed, stepping towards us. Clicking my tongue at my brother, I pulled the blade from his reach and hid it behind my back, but it was too late; the damage was done; they had seen it

Oh, yeah, I wasn’t meant to show you thatyet.I laughed, shaking my head 

like a fool. Dammit.” 

Knox, give that to me, brother,” Kane demanded, stepping closer as I stepped away in a dance of wills

No, can do, brother. You see, I need it!I nodded, using it to point up at the window, with the curtain still tucked to the side for Lottie to be able to see Kane


Seems crazy, right baby, that not so long ago I had you pinned against that.. making promises I now can’t keep.” 

Why can’t you keep them?She asked softly, although I noted she hadn’t moved like Kane had. He kept trying to edge closer like I wasn’t paying attention, and I knew all he wanted was to get the dagger away from me

Stop, Kane, or I will do what needs to be done before I get to say goodbye.I nodded, my brother’s feet faltering as he processed my words

Say goodbye, Jeez, Knox. You are scaring me.Kane growled, his face 


12:02 Tue, 19 Mar ti

Chapter 103: I Did It


tightening with the pain I knew I was coursing him. What do you mean to do with it?He asked, but as I asked, he stayed still

WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!I screamed, the sound of my broken voice echoing around the hall like a ghost


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