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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Double Bitch

Lottie POV 

When I left my father and Mike withI started to explain, but I paused, feeling him stiffen at the mention of the men I once loved, and sighed, knowing this wasn’t the point; I was just so nervous

Well, when I left the room to come find you, I don’t know what happened, but I was not here, I was thereand Kane, I met Selene. I prayed to her, and she answered.I expressed. Glimpsing his eyes narrow, I knew I wasn’t making any sense. So I sighed and did the only thing I could think of

Sage.. show him,I asked my wolf aloud. She had already preempted my next move and had pushed closer to the surface to help me

Show me what?He asked, his brows knitting as he gripped me tighter. You are exhausted; you aren’t making any sense, Charlotte. Fuck I knew this was going to be too much!” 

You sure?Sage asked, ignoring Kane, but I could feel how annoyed she was at him doubting us. I could feel her edging closer to the forefront of my mind; we both knew this was the only way to get him to understand; we needed to get to Knox, and I didn’t have time to try and convince him of what I had learned

Yes, but can we leave out the demon and the Alphas? I am not ready for those fights right now. And neither are they.I admitted, knowing those bits were important, but fuck, we could deal with them after we had Knox back at our side

I will do what is needed.Sage offered something hidden in her tone that had me nervous, but honestly, I wasn’t ready to fight her. Kane was right; I did feel exhausted, but I knew Knox was counting on me. Even If he hadn’t realised it yet. So I allowed Sage to take over, feeling us switch as everything became more vibrant yet somehow so far away

Come here, big boy!Sage barked, seizing control like the force she was


Chapter 102 Double Bitch

Would you jump in my grave that quick!I snapped inwardly to my wolf, who chuckled, her hands sliding up Kane’s face, and given the way his eyes widened, I knew my eyes were now shining with the vibrancy of her purple hues

Sage!Rolo breathed lustfully, making my wolf humm needily. They hadn’t got time together yet, and I could feel the pull they had for each other, but now wasn’t the time to let them indulge in that crap

w thirsty wolf 

Not. Now!I demanded of my thirsty wolf

Fine, Sage snapped, leaning forward to lick Kane’s cheek like she had. forgotten she was borrowing my fucking body and he was my mate

Ours!she laughed. I saw the smirk play on Kane’s lips while sensing he relaxed into Sage, and I found myself hating that I was about to shatter that slight bit of tranquillity he was uncovering in the company of my wolf

Char wants me to show you quicker than her trying to explain and you asking a million questions. We have a giant pain in the ass to saveOk!Sage whispered into Kane’s ears while nibbling on his ear like the horny bitch I knew her to be

No shouting at me this time, or I will bite this off.. got it!She announced, nipping Kane’s ear and given the metallic taste washing over my tongue, I knew it was harsher, but then I would have been brave enough to bite him

I felt her do as I asked, as she opened up our memories to my mate, allowing him to walk through my mind, but the bitch didn’t quite listen. She made sure to start from me, leaving Mike tied up in a chair, bleeding and pathetic. Satisfaction. washed over the bond, but I knew he would have questions later

Bitch!I snapped at Sage, who chuckled in response before silencing me and continuing the slide show, leaving nothing out from my visit with Selene. I could feel Kane stiffen against me and knew from the silence in his mind both he and Rolo were at a loss, but one thing was clear as Sage pulled away from him and a pair of golden eyes settled on mine

Not a fucking chance! Do you hear me!Kane growled with the authority of Rolo. I mean it, both of you.He warned, pushing off the wall and me to get space


12:02 Tue, 19 Mar i

Chapter 102: Double Bitch

No!he hissed, still shaking his head. I watched him fire up angrily and knew that he was processing everything. Who even suggests an offer like that?He roared, bending at the waist, but I felt him let go of the hope of ever feeling his father’s warmth or hearing his voice as he stood and his eyes met mine

Kane!I breathed, overwhelmed by everything I felt in our bond. Closing the gap between us, he pressed his body into mine just as Sage relented and gave me full control, clearly not wanting to be put in the war path of an angry alpha male! – 

Double bitch

His forehead pressed firmly against mine as his hands found my wrists and pulled them against his chest above his strong heart

No! I won’t lose anyone else! Do you hear me? I need you to promise me, Charlotte. Promise me you won’t agree.I watched the tears pool on his thick lashes and freely fall down his face, his chest fit to bust with the pain that losing me would cause him. I wanted to promise him I wouldn’t agree; I knew that was what he needed to hear. But.. Knox

Kane. It could” 

NO!He bellowed, slamming his body into mine until I was crushed between. him and the wall. So help me, Charlotte. What are you not getting!” 


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