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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105: I Saw It


Kane POV 

It felt like years since I had the pair of them this close to me, when, in fact, it was hours! I could sense the tension in Charlotte’s body as I squished her between my brother and me. I knew there was more she needed to tell us, but I understood why she was holding back. We may have convinced Knox to step down from the ledge, but the reason he was on there in the first place was still an issue. Sliding my fingers up my brother’s neck, I gripped his head and pulled his forehead against mine

Look at me, Knox!I demanded, but my brother’s eyes remained stubborn and focused on our little mate between us. Guilt eating him up from the inside

Knox!I warned sternly, his eyes finally leaving Charlotte and settling on me, those blue endless pools now red and not from Havoc but the exhaustion and despair coursing through him. Have I ever lied to you?I asked, my eyes remained glued to his, hoping to get him to see the truth in my words

No!He finally replied with a soft sigh

Right. So hear me, brother. You didn’t do this! Knox, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t the truth; it was just your mind playing tricks on you!I watched him shake his head, refusing to hear me and knew this was going to be


Allow Charlotte to show him as she did us!Rolo barked while watching Knox through my eyes, equally as concerned as I was. Honestly, I wish I could, but I couldn’t risk him agreeing to Selene’s offer in a moment of weakness. He wasn’t in the right frame of mind; despair was consuming him, and I knew it would be a decision he later regretted

You did not kill Pops, but he is still dead, Knox; I think you are in shock and blaming yourself..I clarified sadly, hating seeing him so damaged


12:03 Tue, 19 Mar i

Chapter 105. I Saw It! 

It isn’t that..He tried to explain, and I sighed heavily, allowing him to pull away from us. I watched him pace, my hands sliding protectively around Charlotte from behind when she tried to step closer to our brother. I was so over her taking charge; we were a team, something she needed reminding of

the s to wate 

We have been out for her” 

one for years we lead to be the 

You mean bully her!I corrected my wolf with a sigh. But yes, I get it. Charlotte has gotten used to looking after herself, but we are back now, and she needs to learn to let us help.I snapped moodily, her head twisting over her shoulder to look at me, those big, beautiful eyes pleading with me to let her go to Knox. Ignoring her, my eyes locked on Knox, watching him spiral back down

Knox, If I had done something about Mike and stopped him from giving everyone those fucking drinks, maybe Father and SebastianI couldn’t finish that sentence for the ache that tore through my chest. Fuck! If I had done something, Knox, everything would be different! So you want to blame yourself? I get it; I am doing the same.I admitted. The stress in Charlotte was so ripe I could taste it as my words sunk in; I waited for one of them to reply, not wanting to push either of 

them too much

Knox, why don’t you tell me what you think happened?She asked, but her feet remained in place, and not just because my arms were caging her to me. She needed my arms for comfort; I could feel it. Knox’s eyes lifted to hers, and he stopped pacing. I watched him glance between us and back to the shadows and wondered what was happening with him. I was missing something

I saw it!He whispered, looking longingly into the shadows. I saw how I killed 


saw it?Charlotte asked, her body stiffening

Selene?I asked her through mind link, but she shook her head just as Knox looked back at us

I can get him to show you, tooMaybe then you will listen and let me go!Knox nodded


12:03 Tue, 19 Mar ti 

Chapter 105: I Saw It

Well, that ain’t happening!Rolo roared in my head, the idea of a life without his twin and mine unbearable to even think of. We had come into this world 

together; I would be damned if he left me in it


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