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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Do It 

Kane POV 

Thank you, Charlotte mouthed, stepping into Knox, his arms opening for her instinctively. She was a blessing in some ways, but in others, fuck, she was a pain in the ass., one I could not ever be without. Like Knox

It’s fine, Stud.. just tell me what you saw.She whispered, taking his hands in hers and wrapping them around her waist as she nuzzled into him, a smart move given the way his body relaxed the second she was in his arms. I was a fool to doubt the love he had for her or the power she had over us

I was fighting Bash; I wanted to kill him because that was who the hit was on.I listened, approaching slowly like one might a startled deer

You knowThe one that your father needed sorting.He rambled, Havoc was scared with all of Mike’s talk that something would go wrong and we would lose you, so he wanted to take Sebastiaan out to secure our bond.He conveyed, and I could see his wolf’s reasoning, but it didn’t make listening any easier because I did remember seeing him fighting with Sebastian. I watched his eyes flicker with the memories, his shoulders bunching, his fists pulsing, his inner anger boiling to a dangerous level

Pops tried to step in and stop me..Knox screamed, shoving Charlotte away as regret mixed with his anger; catching Charlotte in my arms, my jaw tensed, and I wanted to punch him in the fucking face for being so rough with our mate. I turned just in time to see him scream into the air

Fuck!He growled, his eyes moving to me quickly, the mania from earlier fast returning. Charlotte’s eyes met mine, letting me know that she was ok.. 

Kane, I am sorry!He whispered, pulling our mate back against him; he was erratic, and I felt Rolo surface, ready to pounce if he kept going. I stood by watching as Knox nuzzled his head in Charlotte’s Ivory neck, her hair covering his face partly, but I could still see the tears that rushed from his eyes


12:03 Tue, 19 Mar EING 

Chapter 106: Do It 


Pops shoved, Havoc sent him flying back, and lost his shit that Pops challenged him.His eyes met mine over Charlotte’s shoulder as she stroked up his neck, her fingers winding into his hair in that way he usually loved, but now he was utterly devoid of recognising her touch for what it was: a plea to calm down and 

come back to her

It’s ok!I tried to soothe Knox because it was; he hadn’t done this! Even if I could see how deeply he believed in what he was saying, but it wasn’t true. I caught this part of the fight: our father never engaged with Havoc, not yet anyway; he was quarrelling with a stranger

Havoc put Pops on his ass, Kane! Slamming his paw onto his chest, crushing it until he was 

killing himslowly!Spinning away from Charlotte as she slipped and landed on the floor, my lips curling in a snarl, seeing her wince. But Knox was clearly beyond understanding what he was doing as he screamed into the air, slamming his 

chest with his fist

Here, he crushed him here, his lungs filled with blood! SHIT, the pain he suffered!Knox exploded haphazardly

No!I answered, wanting to sound firm because I needed Knox to know he was wrong, but seeing him like this was terrifying; it was like watching a firework ready to go off, and you were too close, about to get caught in the blast.. or rather Charlotte was

Son, please! Don’t do this! I love you!Knox repeated, his tone laced with unbearable sorrow. The tears rained from my eyes like they were Knox’s because if he genuinely thought this was what happened, no wonder he was distraught and beyond reach

Kane!Knox roared, crossing the room to stand in front of me, his nose touching mine as his manic eyes searched my face for understanding


They were his last words! He begged me not to kill him! He begged me to save 

No, he didn’t!I seethed, grabbing my brother’s shoulders, wanting to shake him to his senses



12:03 Tue, 19 Mar ti 

Chapter 106: Do It 

Don’t touch me!!he roared, spinning and returning to pacing the room

How am I ever meant to live with myself knowing all that? I can’t! You understand that! I have toFuck where is the dagger!Knox sobbed, rushing to the door that Charlotte had been standing at when he tossed that fucking thing to her


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