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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108: The Sacrifice


Lottie POV 

I will explain when we get home.I mumbled to Kane who snorted and looked down at me

You think!He replied, irritated that I had kept it from him, but honestly we had enough to deal with today without my theories that I could not prove.. Not yet anyway

As the Moon Goddess probed deeper, I could sense her unravelling the threads of darkness that had ensnared Knox’s mind. Her power was vast and ancient, a force of purity and light that seemed to push back against the encroaching shadows with every touch

When Knox finally opened his eyes, they were clear and unclouded, and the weight of the darkness lifted from his shoulders. I could sense the relief flood through Kane, mingled with gratitude towards the Moon Goddess for her intervention

So what I sawKnox asked, his eyes dancing with the familiar glimmer of hope. What I did to Pops?Stepping from Knox, she looked over at Kane and me, and with a slight smile that I noted didn’t quite touch her eyes, she looked back at 


Kill your father?She asked as she headed back to the pond. Sitting on the white wall, she looked at the three of us, pondering the best way to answer his question

No more than Kane or Charlotte did.Her words hit me. Look a ton of bricks; she wasn’t saying we were blameless, just that we didn’t deliver the final blow

Then who?Knox asked, his teeth clenched tightly

I am sorry, Knox, I can not give you those answers.” 

12:03 Tue, 19 Mar tiNG

Chapter 108: The Sacrifice

But..He started to protest, needing more


Enough,Kane ordered. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you did not do this, Knox. So, no more talking about daggers and leaving me! got it!He ordered, his tone laced with the same authority that hooked me from the day in the kitchen. I listened to them bicker, but my mind was elsewhere on the memories I shared with them and those yet to come that I may have to give up. I just hoped I got to keep the memories of my boys and me over the last few days

Lifting my eyes to the beautiful white gaze of Selene, I sucked in a breath, seeing her eyes watching me knowingly, amusement playing on her pink lips. I felt at deep blush dance across my cheeks when I realised that I had even had those. desirable thoughts for my mates in front of Selene

Don’t be embarrassed. I like how much you crave your mates!Selene whispered, but given how two sets of baby blue hues turned to look at me, mimicking the look of amusement Selene wore, I knew she didn’t whisper quietly 


The only thing I want is to kick their ass to timbucktwo!With a chuckle, Selene patted the seat beside her, her eyes levelled on me

Come!She requested and I realised we had yet to discuss a payment for what she did for Knox. Something that meant our respite would be shortlived as the inevitable question hung in the air between us. What was the cost of such a gift? I held my breath, fearing the answer, but the Moon Goddess surprised us both with her response, answering before I had a chance to ask

It costs nothing,she declared, her voice like a gentle current through the air. It is a gift freely given, for I wish to see good triumph over evil in the world.” 

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I realised the magnitude of her generosity. In a world so often fraught with darkness and despair, her offer was a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the bleakest of times, light still had the power to prevail

Thank you!Knox uttered, his tone purely enchanted by the kindness she had shown him. She waved him off, but I noticed that both he and KAne were frozen, the 


12:04 Tue, 19 Mar ti 

Chapter 108: The Sacrificet 

air around us still

I know why you came and that you have spoken with your mate. You have made your decision.She reminded me, my eyes still locked on Kane and Knox


Why are they frozen?I asked nervously because it made no sense Kane already knew and whatever we decided would affect Knox. And with the moon’s goddess gift for Knox, did we even need to do this? Did we need to take the risk

Unfortunately, sweet girl. When you travelled here, you had made your mind up; both you and Kane resolved in your decision to bring his father back. I have already granted your request; you will find him when you return to your home. Well and very much alive!She explained

I wanted to thank the Moon Goddess, knowing that her gifts here had not only saved Knox from the grip of darkness but had also restored the pack’s strength and given my mates and me the resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead. It would clear Knox’s name and lift the cloud of suspicion from them. But the words felt empty. She had given us so much

If that is the case, why are my mates frozen?I asked plainly. They will want. to thank you themselves.My eyes darted to Knox and Kane, and my heart soured. for them momentarily before I remembered the offer she made came with


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