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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107: She Is Hot For Her Age

Author Note: Sorry for the delay guys I have found these chapters rather hard to write, I wanted to get them right. Please no panicking. It will all be alright on the night ;

Lottie POV 

The ballroom, once a scene of pandemonium and despair, now stood frozen in time, the haunting scene of Havoc’s chaos left behind as the blinding white light of the realm Selene resided in took hold and washed away the mayhem of the night with her blinding white light

What is happening?Knox demanded, his tone riddled with confusion as we travelled through the fabric of time itself; guided by forces beyond our comprehension, we emerged in a realm bathed in the silvery light of the moon. And there, amidst the celestial glow, stood the moon goddess, her ethereal beauty casting a spell of awe and reverence upon both my mates

I stood at the centre of the room, flanked by my mates; Kane’s hand slipped to my lower back as Knox spun nervously; my heart ached for him; he has been through so much. I could sense both my mate’s guilt and grief, and I knew they needed solace. I just hoped I could give it to them now with the help of the moon goddess

Lovely Charlotte.Selene coed. Her voice was like a gentle breeze, carrying with it a sense of calm and reassurance. Knox, Kane Maddox, welcome.” 

My heart fluttered at the sight of the moon goddess; she was just as I remembered, her radiant presence a beacon of hope in the darkness surrounding our lives. I remembered our previous encounter, the offer that had been made, and the price that had yet to be revealed

Selene.I gushed, seeing the light settle to reveal her sitting at the same beautiful fish pond I had seen her at before. Approaching her, I paused, feeling Kane’s hand grip my wrist



12:03 Tue, 19 Marti 

Chapter 107: She Is Hot For Her Age

CharlotteHe warned anxiously, his eyes flickering to Selene

He is scared I might punish you for being so bold as to approach me.Selene smiled over at me. Rest assured, Kane Maddox, I have no intention of hurting your mate today.She promised her pink lips just as amused as mine

SeleneKnox asked, his breath catching in his throat. You’re kinda hot for a chick hundreds of years old, you know.He announced, my head snapping around to look at Knox; Kane’s face warped into an expression of shock

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, baby girl. YOU are still the prettiest girl in the world!Knox laughed, nodding over to Selene. But she is hot! You know!Rushing to him, I threw my arms around his neck

I am not jealous, you fool! I am relieved! You’re back!I laughed, covering his face with light kisses. I mean, it’s you!I whimpered, my eyes filling with tears


else would be so bloody reckless.Kane laughed, joining us, his hands sliding up my back

You don’t think I am hotKane?The moon goddess asked, lifting from the stone seating to cross the glowing white floor

I didn’t mean that..Kane stumbled over his words, a red flush crossing his cheeks that had me and Knox exchanging a surprised glance. I just meant..” 

It’s ok, Kane Maddox; I know what you meant; you are referring to the respect you think your brother should be showing me instead of being the playful scamp he is!She nodded over at Knox, who at least had the decency to look a little shameful

I wouldn’t have used the word scamp..Kane grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets as he toed the floor

I know exactly what you would call him!Selene smiled as she approached, nodding for me to let Knox go, which I did, moving to rest my head on Kane’s shoulder to watch her interact with my other mate

May I touch you, Knox?She asked with a smile. Knox nodded in true cheeky 


Chapter 107 She Is Hot For Her Agel 

chappy style, his lips twisting into a provocative smile

Depends where you wanna touch sugar; I have a mate now, you see.. and she is a bit of a lioness when it comes to what is hers.!He grinned at the moon. goddess, the sound of her chuckle running through the air around us. Face palming, I buried my face in Kane’s shoulder

Your head is just fine!She expressed. Knox’s eyes shot up, about to say something just as crass when Kane growled through the room

Watch your damn manners, brother, or she might yet turn you into a frog!” 

Can you do that?Knox asked, nodding in appreciation

No, but I could give Havoc a green coat if you like.She winked back at Knox. I leaned up to look at Kane, his eyes mirroring my glossedover expression

He is going to be ok!I whispered to Kane, We have him back!I smiled, lowering his eyes. He met mine and nodded, and I could sense the lump forming in his throat and knew he was choked up, relieved and beyond grateful

Because of you!He nodded, and we both knew what he was saying without saying. Because of whatever I was about to agree to.” 

You have been infected with darkness, Knox,” Selene announced, her hands still pressed to the sides of his temples


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