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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Never


Kane POV 

I won’t give up my mate or our children. It’s out of the question.I warned Selene as Knox held Lottie tighter, a protective shield against the storm raging between us. Yet, as Knox looked over Lottie’s shoulder, his eyes met mine just in time to watch me confront the moon goddess with anger that matched Havoc’s on his worst day

We won’t be pawns in your cosmic games,My voice thundered, defiance etched in every word

Kane!Lottie gasped, torn between Knox and me. She attempted to intervene, stepping closer to me, but Knox held her steady, our agreement unwavering. She was to be protected at all costs. Always

It is ok, little mate!” I narrowed my eyes on the moon goddess, a cyclone of emotions flickering in my eyes. The tension reached its peak because I was determined not to succumb to the whims of this hypedup celestial force that 

sought to tear us apart

Young wolf, I suggest you adjust your tone.Selene barked, clearly aware that the moonlit chamber was about to bear witness to a confrontation that would shape our destiny. I felt a surge of righteous anger boiling within me

“How can you be so callous, so indifferent to the suffering you inflict upon us?The very notion of her demands, of the impossible choices she presented to Lottie, filled me with a madness unlike any I had ever known. Her eyes remained glued to mine, but the tilt of her lips told me she found me amusing! Which only fueled the 

fire within me further

You think yourself above reproach,I spat, my voice dripping with contempt as I faced the goddess headon. But all I see is a cruel and heartless tyrant, blinded by her own power and arrogance.” 



Chapter 111: Never

Her gaze tightened, but I refused to back down, my fury burning bright like a flame in the darkness. You claim to be the umpire of fate, yet you care nothing for the lives you toy with, for the hearts you break with your whims.” 

So say, Lottie gave up our bond to save the twins.I started to say

Which she will not be doing!Knox interjected, my lips curling in entertainment

How do we know they would be safe from harm or miscarriage later on?I continued nodding to Knox in agreement

They would be!She snapped in reply, her white skin blushing with the soft glow of irritation

Or what’s to stop her from sacrificing those innocent lives she didn’t even know she wanted only for Knox and me to get hurt?The goddess’s lips curled into a disdainful sneer, but I pressed on, my words a defiant challenge to her authority

I always thought you would be kind, generous, understanding. But now I see the truth you are nothing but a bitter, jealous creature, consumed by your own petty desires.” 

The air crackled with tension as my accusations hung in the air, a palpable silence descending upon us like a vell. But even as the goddess’s gaze bore into me with a chilling intensity, I stood my ground, unflinching in the face of her wrath

You disappoint me,” I continued, my voice ringing out with unwavering resolve. I thought you would be better than this. But it seems I was wrong.” 

And with those final words, I turned away from the goddess, my heart heavy with disillusionment and despair. For in that moment, I realised that the being I once revered was nothing more than a shadow of my ideals, a cruel mockery of the divine. And though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, I knew one thing for sure I would never again place my faith in the whims of gods

Turning to look at Knox, his jaw set form with a fire in his eyes that mirrored my own, his stance rebellious as he faced down the embodiment of our torment. He 



11:33 Wed, 20 Mar 

Chapter 111 Never

agreed with me


Charlotte’s eye found mine, and I could see she wanted to call out to me to warn me of the dangers of challenging the goddess’s wrath. But words failed her as she watched in awe and trepidation, knowing that whatever happened next would shape the course of our fate. I could feel through our bond the unwavering love she bore me, something that should comfort me; instead, it broke me further, for how 

can anyone choose to give up on that sort of love

We are done here!I growled, the tension stretched taut, the air thick with anticipation as I stood my ground. And then, the moon goddess spoke with a voice 

as cold as the winter wind

You dare to defy me?she hissed, her eyes flashing with barely restrained fury

We will not be pawns in your game any longer,Knox yelled, his grip on Charlotte tightening. And I nodded at him

Our family, our bond, is stronger than any power you wield.My response was unwavering, my gaze steady as I faced the goddess’s wrath headon

You think yourselves untouchable, immune to the whims of fate. But you are mistaken, dear mortals. Your defiance will not go unpunished.The goddess’s laughter rang out like thunder, echoing through the night air

Twentyfour hours, Sweet Charlotte; I hope to hear from YOU by then. OR I will make the choice for you.” And with that ominous warning, the goddess vanished into the night, leaving us to grapple with the uncertainty of our future. But even as the shadows closed in around us, I knew one thing with unwavering certainty we would face whatever trials lay ahead together, bound by a love that transcended even the might of gods


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