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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112: You Are Family

Lottie POV 

Sliding my fingers through Kane’s while Knox squeezed my other tightly, I smiled as I looked down at my mate’s hands, entwined with mine, offering me their protection and loyalty. I felt a lump form in my throat, wondering if, after tomorrow, I would ever feel THIS happy again. To have my mates by my side and our future growing inside me


I won’t let anything happen to you,Knox whispered, his lips pressing to my temple as if sensing the gnawing fear that had taken root within me the fear of the unknown, of the challenges that awaited us as parents

The three of you,Kane added, squeezing my hand. Nodding, I kept my eyes forward as we made our way up the stairs to the Alpha wing. I wasn’t ready to voice my thoughts on the revelation that I was not only pregnant but with twins. And not just because it meant I was going to balloon like a whale but because this morning, when Knox had teased his mother, saying I could already be pregnant, I had felt that sheer panic rush through me. I had no idea what it was to be a loving parent; it wasn’t like I had much experience in that department

You need to calm your thoughts if you plan to hide how you are feeling from our boys!Sage advised as if coming from nowhere

Where have you been?I seethed, wishing she had been there with me 


I was with you, but Selene wanted you for herself.Sage whimpered

Do you believe her?” I asked, referring to the pups I supposedly carried because I was doubting her intentions

I do.Her only reply, but I could hear the conviction in her tone. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over our every step



Wed, 20 Mar 

Chapter 112: You Are Family

We were on our way to see our Alpha and my mate’s father, a man we had thought lost to us forever, but the fear lingeredhad the moon goddess truly honoured her promise, or had she rescinded her offer since we had refused to make the sacrifice she desired

Can you sense your father?I asked nervously as we drew closer. Both males paused as we reached the door, Kane’s hand poised on the heavy wooden door, their blue eyes locked on mine lovingly. Feeling Knox’s hand slide up my back

Can’t you?He asked with a wide smile, pushing the door open. My eyes fell on the image of Alpha Leigh sitting on his bed, Laura cuddled up next to him. He looked strong, glowing even as he looked over at us

Ever heard of knocking?He snapped in his usual moody manner that had me smiling. Tears spilling over my lashes. Knox’s hand slipped into mine, grounding me as we stepped into the room together

Boys!Laura nodded, motioning for them to come in. I don’t know what you did!She gushed, jumping from the bed and rushing over to Knox and Kane, her hands flung around them, pulling them to her. But thank you!She sobbed happy 


her words a poignant reminder of the sacrifices that we might still have to make. This woman who hours ago I knew was lost to despair and blamed her sons for her pain, now freely enveloped those boys in a tight embrace that spoke 


It’s not us you need to thank.Kane replied, his tone laced with pride as he pulled from his mother to look at me. Her eyes dashed to mine and then back to the boys. The absolute joy written on Laura’s face as she looked back at Leigh made my heart churn

Did she not deserve this happiness? Had she not suffered enough?I asked Sage, who sighed heavily

Have we all not suffered enough?Her tone was tight and filled with 


How?Laura asked, turning to look at me again. You know what, it doesn’t matter! You can tell me tomorrow. Can we just celebrate that he is here with us?” 


11:33 Wed, 20 Mar SS

Chapter 112: You Are Family

She asked sweetly

Nodding, I swallowed the lump forming in my throat because who knew what tomorrow held? The moon goddess could still be cruel and take away the gift she had given. If, her terms were not met

Whatever you are thinking, you need to stop!Kane’s words rang through my head like a siren. Pursing my lips, I nodded, but Alpha Leigh’s eyes had found mine, having picked up on the tension brewing inside me

I am not a fool, Charlotte; I know you paid a heavy price to save me.Alpha Leigh admitted through mindlink. And I rolled my lips, unable to speak, my hand. lowering to my stomach instinctively. His eyes followed

I am going to leave you to it; this is a family moment.I offered to try and be 


You are family!Knox moaned, turning to face me. Kane followed, and two sets of beautiful eyes landed on mine, my heart lunging seeing the panic in them

More so now than ever!Kane added his lips in a tight frown. Stepping into them, placing a hand on each of their cheeks, I leaned up to kiss both of them in turn and nodded, my smile wider than I felt possible

I need to get out of this dress and take a shower. I promise I will be waiting for you both when you are done here.I nodded, my eyes falling on Alpha Leigh’s before dropping nervously, his eyes demanding an answer even if his words were 


You are welcome to stay!Lauras offered as she approached, taking me into her arms for a gentle hug that said more than her words could. She, too, thought 

was family

We will be down in five, ok Princess!Kane nodded, holding the door open for me; slipping from Laura’s arms, I had just reached it when I felt a hand grip my waist, pulling me back into the room in a whirlwind as I slammed into Knox’s solid form his hands landing on my chin and tilting it up to meet his lips in a bruising kiss that had my cheeks flushing knowing his parents were watching



Chapter 112: You Are Family

My room, not yours, angel face!He breathed, letting me go, only to spin me into Kane, who followed his brother’s lead, his lips crashing down onto mine

Good thing it’s too early for morning sickness, eh!He mindilined as he held the door open again and let me leave


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