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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Fall To Your Knees


Knox POV 

She good?Kane asked my father as he entered the room. I watched them talk quietly as they headed over to the couch at the side of the room, Kane’s eyes. darting to the door needily. My lips twitching at the fuckers need to be with her every second of the day. And I thought I had issues.” 

You do!Havoc reminded me, my lips curling in amusement

Pot kettle wolfie!I laughed as I wrapped my arms around my mother, her eyes 


filled with remorse

I am sorry, Knox. The things I saidHer voice trailed off, and I knew the day’s emotions were catching up with her

Are forgotten!I nodded. I can’t imagine what you were going through, Ma; I am just sorry I put you through it. But that fuckwitt just..” 

Language.She snapped, looking at me in that stern way of hers that had me laughing; I may tower over her, be old enough to own my own home, drive and event start my own family, but cursing would earn me a slapped ass

Can you forgive me?She asked, I know you didn’t..I waited with bated breath for her to say the next line. Did she still think I killed Pops by accident? Or does she know it wasn’t me

Do this! But we need to know who did!She nodded her eyes on me once more. Your father remembers bits and pieces. Tomorrow, we need to sort this 


We shouldn’t wait, really! The pack will be confused, and those visiting alphas will want answers, and some will move to take over.” 

Lottie handled it.Kane nodded, his tone final



Chapter 113: Fall To Your Knees

How?My father asked, his eyes on my brother, harsh and unwavering. I knew it wasn’t personal; he was just confused as to how everything was sorted

Honestly, pops. We have no idea, but I know those responsible for some of this mess have beenrestrained.Kane smiled, my eyes meeting his because fuck, even I had questions. Starting with when he was going to tell me this

She is quite something, boys!My father nodded proudly

Ain’t she just!I grinned, letting my mother go so she could cross the room to be with my father

Family breakfast tomorrow at 7 am! I have already told Lilly and Sebastian.” 

How is he?I asked nervously, knowing that would be an issue we had to manage tomorrow because I knew that Havoc had tried to kill him

Alive, confused and angry.. understandably.My father instructed, But he has agreed to hold off any retaliation until we speak tomorrow

OK.I nodded, feeling the weight of the last few hours fall heavily on my shoulders. As if sensing my mood, Kane patted me on my back, nodding to the 


Mind going to check on Charlotte. I don’t want her alone much longerA smile painted my lips as I nodded

Can I return to my mate while you stay here and talk shopAbsolutely! But I am sorry if I have exhausted her by the time you get back, brother.I winked, nodding to Ma and Pops, who were exchanging a playful smirk at Kane and I’s 



Get some rest, you look like shit!I winked at my parents, heading for the 

*7 am Knox!My mother called after me, saluting her; I dipped out the door, my legs moving so quickly I was jogging down the corridor to my room; pushing the door open, I moaned softly, her sweet scent invading my senses. But my feet 


11:34 Wed, 20 Mar SGS

Chapter 113: Fall To Your Knees


faltered,, feeling her through the bond. She was exhausted and most diffimittely not up for the same thing that my cock was petitioning

Bollocks!!groaned, hearing the shower running

Sorry your little fella will have to wait!Havoc laughed, my lips curling im objection.. 

It is hardly little!! And it’s fine; we have the rest of our lives for that!! lireminded my wolf as I pushed open the door to the bathroom; a rush of warmth greeted me, enveloping me in a comforting embrace. The sound of running water filled the air, a soothing melody that echoed off the tiled walls. Steam billowed around me, tendrils of mist swirling and dancing in the air, obscuring her vision like a veil

The veil seemed to part, and my eyes locked on the gorgeous image of my girl,, my mate, my queen! I watched her lean her head back in the shower, the water pouring over her long white hair, making it stick to her body. She was beautiful, all curves and toned flawless skim

I stepped further into the room, feeling the heat seep into my skin, banishing the chill that lingered in the air. The scent of vanilla and honey hung heavy, mingling with the steam to create an intoxicating aroma that filled my senses

She clearly had no idea I was in here, so lost in the moment, I watched her shower as I silently undressed, my mind made up that if push came to shove, I would never be able to give her up!! hated it, but the truth was we could have more babies! A house full of them, fuck, I loved that idea! But honestly, there was no way anyone could replace this creature in my affections

With each step closer to the shower, I felt the tension in my muscles begin to melt away, replaced by a sense of profound relaxation mow that I had made my minc 

  1. up

The day’s cares and worries seemed to fade into the background, washed away by the gentle cascade of water


Either join me or get out!She called to me, a grim silowly spreading across my 

That was the..” 



wed, zu Ma 

Chapter 113; Fall To Your Knees


The first thing you said to me?She grinned, looking over her shoulder to smile at me flirtatiously, all exhaustion vanishing quickly replaced by an insatiable need for… 

Us!Havoc moaned delightedly


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