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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Mumsie


Lottie POV 

No, thank you!I laughed, resting my head on Knox.’s arm as I leaned into him; I could feel him vibrating with rage and sighed because I wasn’t sure who it was. aimed at: my father or Adam but either way, I didn’t like feeling his anger boil, not after last night explosion

It will make you feel better when you hear what he has to say,Adam explained, nudging the blade to me

Offer her that blade again, and I will slit your fucking throat with it, Adam, and let Havoc fuck your corpse. Am I clear?Knox snarled, answering my question. I opened my mouth to speak, but Knox’s hand on my hip tightened in warning

You know she’s a natural with a blade. Right?Liam scoffed from where he sat, leaning up the side of the desk. Adams’s lips pulled into a grin; I knew he wasn’t insulted, more amused

I am not!I responded, rolling my eyes as I looked around at the room, my eyes taking in the chaos that had clearly taken place in here. Mike looked like death, I was genuinely scared that if he closed his eyes he would die

Scared?Sage asked with a snort of disgust

He doesn’t deserve to die at anyone’s hands but ours.I admitted firmly. Her howl of satisfaction was enough to make me beam

Come on, when we came in here yesterday, you had that one.He said, pointing a bloody hand at Mike. Restrained to a chair with a letter opener and pen.” Wincing, I chanced a glance over at Kane, feeling the bitterness radiating off him

Get on with it, Adam, Knox spat, his patience running thin also

Did you?Knox asked through the mind link; I could feel Kane hovering on the 


Chapter 120: Mumsie

border of the link and nodded my response, Not wanting to argue. I did what I had to. I would like to say I didn’t enjoy it, but I did.I added when I felt them lingering. for more of an explanation

I wish I could have seen that!Knox remarked from beside me. You finally putting him in his place.” 

Shut up, Knox, she touches that blade, and it will be me fucking your corpse!Kane interjected 

I always knew you were into the taboo shit!Knox laughed through the mind link. As if sensing we had drifted into our own world, Adam cleared his throat to get 

our attention

Fine, so This one..Adam announced, pointing the blade he had just offered me to Mike, who squirmed in the chair he was attached to. Squeals like a pig. But he doesn’t know much. Although enough to warrant his death.I could see he had not only bled out everywhere but was sitting in a puddle of his own making and guessed they had considered killing him for whatever he had declared

And that onewas a little harder to crack!” 

AndWhat did they say.I asked, not wanting Knox to speak in case he said something he regretted, the tension between him and Adam still a little thick

So turns out This fuckerThe knife swung to point Anthony, then back to Mike. Wanted this fucker to spike the drinks..” 

Which he did because he is a spineless cunt.Chase interpreted spinning the letter opener from yesterday in Mike’s shoulder blade. My lips twitching, seeing he was still using it

He knew what it was before he tried to play dumb. He wanted to drug everyone so he could follow up on a deal Antony had offered him.Adam continued, his eyes moving to me. Knox, Kane and I knew of the deal, but it would have been 

news to them

If Mike killed Sebastian, he could have Lottie here.. whom he planned to knock 



Chapter 120: Mumsie

up to strengthen his place in the pack.. before he had you and your brother killedHe winked at Knox. He is charming, ain’t he!” 

We knew that.Knox shrugged. Well, we didn’t know we were on his shit list, but it makes sense.Knox shrugged, my mind processing the information

You knew he was going to use me,I asked Knox, my hand falling to my stomach, the smirk playing on Knox’s lips infuriating me. IS that why..Knox’s eyes flashed with panic, his hand gripping my chin as he lifted it to look at him, trying to cut me off, but it was too late; the words were already falling from my lips

You got me pregnant, so HE couldn’t!I asked, shaking my head furiously. I thought it was an accident, but..” 

Does it matter?Knox asked, pulling me against him, my lips pursing because, no, it didn’t really in the grand scheme of things, but knowing they had planned this from the off did make my stomach tighten with unanswered questions

You’re pregnant?I heard my father ask, and my eyes closed, Realising my mistake. You have been mated days.. It has to be Mike’s, you all know that! Don’t you! No one will accept you as Luna, now.Running my tongue over my teeth, I forced myself to stay silent

It’s not Mike’s!Knox announced firmly. They haven’t had sex in months! He has been too busy shoving it in everyone else.” 

Want me to cut his dick off, Luna? I could make a gift of it for you, Chase laughed, my eyes rolling dramatically. I wanted desperately to ask them to stop calling me Luna, but it seemed the more I asked Chase, the more he liked to use it

No, thank you!I snorted. I have more than enough dick to keep me satisfied without that tiny thing.I watched Knox’s lips twist in amusement, but I could feel Kane’s eyes boring into the back of my head and knew he wanted to chastise her for being so blunt with them, which made me smile because I could feel through the mate bond how intrigued he was by how the alphas interacted with me

Why the hit on Sebastian?Knox asked, changing the subject, no doubt at Kane’s request



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