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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Not My Daughter

Kane POV 

The wave of satisfaction that swept through me, seeing the look of confusion on Anthonysface, was worth breaking my silence. Charlotte was seemingly right, though; they, too, thought I was dead

Fuck it, they won’t be leaving this room anyway!Rolo barked out, his voice bitter and riddled with jealousy. I got it, though; I wasn’t sure how to feel about the relationship Charlotte had formed with the Sparrow brothers

I know how we feel about it!Rolo grunted, my eyes rolling internally at him as he let out a huff and slid to the back of my mind to observe like the lovesick pup he 


What do you wanna do, brother?Knox asked, turning to face me, although I could see from the way Charlotte squirmed his hand remained tightly wrapped around her. I watched her look up at Knox, those big blue eyes I bloody adored glossed over as she plunged into conversation with Sage

She needs to leave! The brothers won’t respect us if we allow her to dictate shit to us, and you know Chase well enough to know he won’t give us any information until she has left.Knox’s jaw tightened, and although he never replied, I knew he agreed

Angel..He started to say, pulling her from her conversation with Sage. My eyes 

drifted to Liam, who was watching my brother and our mate with intrigue that made me nervous. Adam was busy shoving what looked like a homemade gag in her father’s mouth while Chase sat on Mike’s knee like a hooker on ad 

a date

The fucker was beautiful but bat shit crazy

No, don’t you use that shit on me. We said no more secrets!Charlotte whined, her eyes shifting from Knox to me; her lips pulled so tightly together that she looked feral. Reminding me of when Knox slapped her ass so hard she bruised instantly



Chapter 121 Not My Daughter 

You will leave. You promised!I nodded to my girl and then to Knox, a message passing between us that she was not privy to. I knew he would back down; he adored our mate, as did I, and telling her no was evidently not his forte! I guess I would be playing bad cop for the foreseeable

I promised to leave if I was in danger.She replied, her tone laced with emotion that had my stomach tightening; despite what people thought, I didn’t enjoy being a hard ass

Charlotte!I growled low in warning

Anyhooo..Chase interjected, slapping Mike up the back of the head as he lifted from his lap and approached Knox and Charlotte, his hips filled with a swagger that made my lips twist in amusement

Congrats, guys! Bagsie godfather.Chase smiled, stepping into Charlotte and Knox, whose whole body tensed as he watched the interaction between Chase and 

our mate

Come on, killer. Let’s get you out of here and into something that doesn’t make you look like a reject for Shameless. Huh?He grinned slowly at our mate, my back. stiffening at the idea of him going to watch Charlotte change. Knox’s hand moved quickly to grip Chase’s arm, apparently thinking the same as me, but Chase was quicker, holding them above his head in surrender

Come on, mate, like I would watch her! She is your fucking mate! Unlike you, I don’t take other people’s toys!He groaned dramatically; I smiled, seeing the blush spread across my brother’s cheeks, understanding the reference and given the look. on Charlotte’s face, she would be asking what he was on about the first opportunity she got

And the bastard knew that

Super glad you aren’t dead, Kane! Be a shame to lose such a cheerful, friendly teddy bear like you.” Chase added with a wink to Knox, who nodded his head and reluctantly let our mate go. Chase outstretched his hand for Charlotte, her eyes drifting down to it; I knew she was debating her options. We all waited with bated breath to see if she would go with Chase or dig her heels in and make one of us 


Chapter 121 Not My Daughter

remove her

With a sigh, I felt her relent and let out the breath I was holding, her hand reaching out to take Chase’s, but Knox was quicker. Knox’s large hand wrapped around Chae’s elbow, pulling him to stare at him

Anythinghappens to her..Knox growled venomously

It won’t!Chase hissed back, his eyes dark and foreboding as he looked at my brother. With a nod, Knox released Chase, and his arm slipped around Charlotte’s neck to pull her into his side. I felt my girl relax, and I hated it. I hated the way these large males made her feel


We make her feel safe!Rolo complained, and I pursed my lips, not wanting to reply

I swear, Luna, I will be the best godfather; I will teach him how to kill like a pro and how to be sexy as fuck, unlike his uncool Dador is it Dads?He asked, winking at me as he led her towards the door while still rambling. Who probably wears socks and sandals!He laughed at his own joke. My eyes met Knox’s as we both let out a relieved sigh

If anyone is godfather, it will be Adam or me, not you, you psycho!Liam laughed as Charlotte and Chase passed them by. Her lips curled into a grin while. she slapped him on the chest, his hand flying to the spot in mock angst

Ouchy!He winked, nodding to the door. Ten minutes!He promised as Chase led her from the room, her eyes meeting ours one last time as she lingered in the doorway

Fuck, come onI promise they will be fine.Chase grunted, yanking her out. the doorway playfully and slamming it closed

Something is up, these fuckers; they never act like this with a female,I interjected into Knox’s mind, whose jaw was so tight I knew he was thinking the same thing even before the words fell from his mouth. Never one to be tactile


Chapter 121 Not My Daughter

Why are you being so nice to Lottie?Knox questioned, his eyes watching the two brothers

She’s speciallAdam spoke, his tone level almost bored


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