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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Picking My Battles 

So, what’s the deal with you and Knox?I asked, sideeyeing my new companion more than a little curiously. I didn’t know much about what my mates had been up to while they were away. Perhaps I should ask them, but I had a feeling I would get the unedited version from Chase

Caught that, huh?Chase asked, holding the door open to my bedroom. We had walked up here silently while I had stewed over the last twenty minutes. Deciding I would have to trust my mates and their reasons for asking me to leave, I let go of the anger and decided to make the most of the time with Chase

Well, subtly isn’t exactly your forte, darling!I laughed, his eye row lifting at the name I had bestowed on him

Get cleaned up, and maybe I will tell yaDarling.Chase winked in a way that I am sure many women would find sexy. Me, not so much

Dick!I groaned, ducking under his arm and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I may not be able to do much about my clothing, but I could at least make sure I had fresh breath

Why don’t you have any clothes here?Chase asked, appearing in the doorway, holding a bunch of Kane and Knox’s clothes. His face scrunched into an indignant frown

Did you go through my drawers?I gasped through a mouthful of toothpaste

and froth

Yes. I thought I would at least find a few lacy items.He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. But there is fuck all of yours.” He stated, a question lingering between us



hu, 21 Marti

Chapter 123 Picking My Battles 

I have only been here a few days and haven’t had a chance to get my things from Mike’s apartment, and the bag of shit I brought with me is in Lilly’s room.I explained, feeling toothpaste dribble down my chin

Ah!Chase nodded before disappearing again. Rolling my eyes, I went back to brushing my teeth, washing my face, and brushing my tangled hair. Only when I had finished did I realise how silent the room was; fear crept up my spine as I poked my 

head out the bathroom door to see the room empty

Chase?I asked naively. He obviously wasn’t here. My eyes shot to the door, hearing a commotion on the other side of it. Sighing, recognising my best friend’s voice, I closed my eyes, knowing that a ball of anger was about to erupt through the door

Remind me to be more careful with my words next time!I muttered to Sage, who was alert and waiting for whatever came through the door

You think he has gone to get your stuff from Lilly?She asked, struggling to 

hide how amused she was

Yep!I grunted as the door opened, and a proudlooking Chase stumbled through, my bag hanging from his finger. A redfaced and angrylooking Lilly hot on his heels, demanding to know who he thought he was

Is this yours?Chase asked me, ignoring the temper tantrum exploding behind him before he slammed the door in Lilly’s face while blowing her a dramatic kiss

Yes, but it’s like 6:30 AM!I started to say but was cut off by the banging on my door

Let me in, you piece of shit!Lilly howled from the other side of the door. Or I am going to have my mate beat your ass! I am not finished with you!” 

Damn, she is a bitch! Poor Seb has his hands full!He laughed, tilting his head to the bag again

I didn’t need it!I grumbled, stepping forward to grab it, but he pulled it from my hold, hovering it above my head like the twins used to do to Lilly when we were 


Chapter 123 Picking My Battles 


You did! It’s yours!Chase huffed, dropping it into my hands and nodding to the bathroom like my friend wasn’t banging on the door like a maniac. I will deal with her. Go change. We ain’t got all day!He grumbled, opening the door to face the beast outside again

So bossy!I muttered, turning to the bathroom. I paused to look back, hearing Lilly’s shrill voice cut through the room

When my brothers hear about this, they are gonna kick your ugly ass!Lilly snarled at Chase, her hands wrapped around her slender chest in what I knew was supposed to be an intimidating pose. Her actions reminded me of her outbursts when we were kids, always using the twins to get her way

Kinky! I might like that, sweet cheeks.” Chase mused, Lilly’s mouth hanging open in confusion. She evidently was not sure how to take Chase’s unbothered attitude. Watching the two of them argue, I smirked, loving that Lilly had met her match with this blondehaired lunatic

Next time you want your stuff, Char, come get it yourself. Don’t send your mad dog to get it!Lilly growled, her eyes locked on me angrily. Chase laughed, his back. stiffening as he leaned forward to snap his teeth at Lilly, pulling a squeal from her lips

Careful princess dogs bite!Chase warned her. And my bite isdeadly!” 

Sounds right for a rabid mutt!She spat, her eyes glowing with anger

For something so small, you’re annoying as fuck! Like a wasp or a goat,Chaser groaned, looking over his shoulder at me. Is she a friend of yours?He asked, ignoring Lilly’s screaming


No!Lilly snapped, crossing her arms over my chest again. She is just my brother’s fuck toy!She laughed bitterly



11:36 Thu, 21 Mar ti GG

Chapter 123: Picking My Battles


You did! It’s yours!Chase huffed, dropping it into my hands and nodding to the bathroom like my friend wasn’t banging on the door like a maniac. I will deal with her. Go change. We ain’t got all day!He grumbled, opening the door to face the beast outside again

So bossy!I muttered, turning to the bathroom. I paused to look back, hearing Lilly’s shrill voice cut through the room

When my brothers hear about this, they are gonna kick your ugly ass!Lilly snarled at Chase, her hands wrapped around her slender chest in what I knew was supposed to be an intimidating pose. Her actions reminded me of her outbursts when we were kids, always using the twins to get her way

Kinky! I might like that, sweet cheeks.Chase mused, Lilly’s mouth hanging open in confusion. She evidently was not sure how to take Chase’s unbothered attitude. Watching the two of them argue, I smirked, loving that Lilly had met her match with this blondehaired lunatic

Next time you want your stuff, Char, come get it yourself. Don’t send your mad dog to get it!Lilly growled, her eyes locked on me angrily. Chase laughed, his back stiffening as he leaned forward to snap his teeth at Lilly, pulling a squeal from her lips

Careful princess dogs bite!Chase warned her. And my bite isdeadly!” 

Sounds right for a rabid mutt!She spat, her eyes glowing with anger

For something so small, you’re annoying as fuck! Like a wasp or a goat,Chase. groaned, looking over his shoulder at me. Is she a friend of yours?He asked, ignoring Lilly’s screaming


No!Lilly snapped, crossing her arms over my chest again. She is just my brother’s fuck toy!She laughed bitterly


Chapter 123 Picking My Battles 

Seriously, Lilly!I snorted, feeling the hurt settle in the pit of my stomach; I had hoped we had turned a corner after all I had done to save Sebastian yesterday.

thought we had moved past this!” 

I could cut her tongue out; it’s not like Seb needs that part of her to breed,Chase expressed, shrugging his shoulders at me

Ughhh, who even are you?Lilly hissed, shoving Chase in the chest before I could answer. Chase’s large hands gripped Lilly’s wrists and walked her back out the door. I smirked to myself, seeing him fighting back the urge to throw her on her ass, but Liam’s statement yesterday played in my mind, reminding me that Chase would never hurt a woman. Not even one as rude and obnoxious as Lilly

Why don’t you ask your mate who I am? Then I will accept your apology in the form of a blow job, chocolate, or both!He winked before slamming the door

Hurt her, no! Disrespect heryes!Sage countered, my lips tightening 


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