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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Lycan Princess 


Knox POV 

What?I laughed in disbelief. Bullshit!but even I could hear the sharpness of apprehension that had crept into my voice. The hate that filled Anthony’s eyes made him look insanely unhinged

Oh, you have heard nothing yet!Liam chuckled brutally. Arching a brow, I exchanged a glance with Kane to see his features smooth out like he hadn’t just heard something that would rock our girl’s world

Try not to be so excited over this bombshell!Kane snipped, his voice controlled, unlike mine

Sorry, but you couldn’t write this shit!Liam shrugged, earning himself a smack up the head from Adam

Have some fucking respect! It’s their mate we are talking about.Adam barked, shaking his head in disgust. Chase is meant to be the wild card, not you!He added with an apologetic nod to myself and Kane 

Whatever!I muttered, suddenly feeling tired. I pulled the chair out from behind the desk and dragged it along the floor, the loud squeak getting Anthony’s attention before I sat it in front of him and plopped myself down in it. I motioned with my hand for Liam to continue, sighing, feeling Kane come to stand beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder in what I understood as a silent message

Calm down

WellFuck that

So after all these years of raisingLottie, you suddenly have decided she isn’t even yours?I questioned sceptically. However, in my head, things were starting to fall into place


Chapter 127 Lycan Princess 

She isn’t!Anthony growled. No daughter of mine would be such a” 

Finish that sentence, and I will slit your throat and tell them what I know,Adam warned Anthony with a sharp tug of his hair, forcing him to look at his dark eyes; I watched Anthony withdraw into himself, his lips tightening no doubt to keep the insult he was fighting back inside

Better! Make no mistake Beta,’ I am only letting you live so Charlotte’s mates hear this from your lips, so I suggest you mind your fucking manners because I don’t actually need you.Adam cautioned, a grin painting my lips because despite how much I hated the bond the Sparrow Brothers had formed with my mate, one thing. was clear: they would protect her reputation

I loved her mother!Anthony admitted with a heavy sigh, his eyes dropping from Adam to the floor. I thought raising Lottie would remind me of her, but it didn’t! It just reminded me of her betrayal.” I leaned back in the chair, my eyes shifting to Kane, who stood emotionless, watching Anthony. But I could feel the anger rippling off him like an electric current; he was pissed

If she isn’t your daughter, whose is she? Do you know?Kane asked calmly

after a minute of silence

Oh, he knows.Liam grinned. Keep going; we ain’t got all fucking day.” 

Her mother and I were together for years, but she went away with Alpha Leigh’s sister to visit a different pack and came back mated.He explained, his voice so weak I knew the memories were painful to recall, I should feel bad for making him relive that, but honestly, I didn’t give a shit. Kicking out my leg, it collided with Anthony’s knee, a streak escaping his lips

To?I asked, growing irritated with the waiting and theatricals

Alexander Royal.A gasp left my lips as my eyes lifted from Anthony to Liam and Adam, who were nodding at me wideeyed and excitedly

Sebestian’s uncle?I asked Anthony, my tone laced with shock and confusion. Was this right? Was our mate royalty among our kind, a Lycan princess



Chapter 122 Lycan Princess 

IF this is true, shit’s going to hit the fan!Kane interjected into my head

The silence that followed from Anthony was almost painful; Adam flung his head forward, sending Anthony hurtling to his knees before me. My eyes never left the crumpled form of the man who had raised my mate, a word I used lightly, for he never actually did shit to protect, clothe, train or provide for her

Answer!Anger erupted inside me; as I stood, kicking the chair back, the sound of wood crashing somewhere in the distance seemed irrelevant in comparison to the whirlwind of emotions crashing through me like a fucking tidal 


YES!Anthony hissed, his eyes rising to meet mine, angry, redrimmed and feral. She is his cousin and heir to the Lycan throne.His lips twisted into a snarl. But she will never rule!His words, like ice, prickled my back

So you planned to kill Sebastian and what?Kane nodded. To stop the secret. getting out and your wife’s betrayal becoming common knowledge?Anthony shook. his head, a sinister smirk spreading across his lips

You think I want to protect her?He laughed, spitting at my feet. I want to see her burn!His tone filled with so much venom it made my blood turn to acid. I ran my tongue over my lip, fighting the urge to break his nose with my knee

We don’t have time for this. We have somewhere to be and enough shit to wade through.Kane groaned, turning from Anthony to run his hand through his messy hair

She has a right to know!I muttered, watching my brother as he processed this information. He is going to end up telling her; you heard his comment earlier about her mother.I expressed, pulling on Kane’s shoulder to get him to turn. Better she hears it from us than him.” 

KANE!I bellowed. Kane’s jaw was set so tightly that as he turned to look at me, I could hear the crunching of his teeth

I agree, brother. But we still have the moon goddessesdeal to contend with! And this shit has made things worse.Kane growled, pulling the chair I had kicked 




Chapter 122 Lycan Princess 

up and sitting down in it, his elbows resting on his knees, his head hanging low as he tried to think

How is this..I asked, motioning to Anthony. Effect the crap we have going on with the moon goddess?” 

The moon goddess?I heard Adam ask as he stepped closer to Kane and me, Liam hanging back to watch Anthony and an unconscious Mike

It’s a long story.I muttered, dismissing him with a wave of my hand


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