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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Fight Fate

Mike POV 

No.I muttered through a bruised and cut lip, hearing the voice of the demon from the hallway. Don’t listen to him.” I tried to say, but even I could hear how mumbled and broken it sounded. I attempted to open my eyes but struggled and knew instantly the blondehaired fucker had swollen my lids closed

How did you get in here?One of the Alphas asked; I suspected it was the one I had watched beat Anthony almost to a pulp

Does it matter? I can help,The demon replied. I could hear the smile in his 

voice even if I couldn’t see it

You have helped enough!Kane’s voice cut through the air, anger crackling off his tone like thunder off a cliff top. Without my eyesight, my other senses had heightened, and I could smell the death and corruption infecting the air from the demonic presence in the room. How had I not noticed that earlier

Hear me, Kane Maddox, if I wanted you or your brother dead, you would be. I simply wanted some preshow entertainment. So if you don’t mind, I would like to skip the whole dickmeasuring part of this exchange and get to the damn point.I heard the demon spew from his poisoned lips. Given how the air changed around us, the twins were less than impressed with the attitude rolling off the demon

See, now, was that so hard?He asked; I couldn’t help but note that Knox’s usual cocky attitude was gone. 

Get to the point, filth.” Kane growled, the floor creaking under someone’s 


It won’t work because the moon goddess has linked the deal to the bloodlines. Your father and her.. cousinIs that right?The demon asked, my mind whirling with confusion. What deal with their father? Does this mean Alpha is alive? If so, does he know what happened? Who was behind the attack


11.36 Thu, 21 Mar tGG 

Chapter 125 Fight Fatel 

Chapter 125: Fight Fate

Mike POV 

No.I muttered through a bruised and cut lip, hearing the voice of the demon from the hallway. Don’t listen to him.I tried to say, but even I could hear how mumbled and broken it sounded. I attempted to open my eyes but struggled and knew instantly the blondehaired fucker had swollen my lids closed

How did you get in here?One of the Alphas asked; I suspected it was the one I had watched beat Anthony almost to a pulp

Does it matter? I can help,The demon replied. I could hear the smile in his voice even if I couldn’t see it

You have helped enough!Kane’s voice cut through the air, anger crackling off his tone like thunder off a cliff top. Without my eyesight, my other senses had heightened, and I could smell the death and corruption infecting the air from the 

emonic presence in the room. How had I not noticed that earlier

Hear me, Kane Maddox, if I wanted you or your brother dead, you would be. I simply wanted some preshow entertainment. So if you don’t mind, I would like to skip the whole dickmeasuring part of this exchange and get to the damn point.I heard the demon spew from his poisoned lips. Given how the air changed around us, the twins were less than impressed with the attitude rolling off the demon

See, now, was that so hard?He asked; I couldn’t help but note that Knox’s usual cocky attitude was gone

Get to the point, filth.Kane growled, the floor creaking under someone’s 


It won’t work because the moon goddess has linked the deal to the bloodlines. Your father and her.. cousinIs that right?The demon asked, my mind whirling. with confusion. What deal with their father? Does this mean Alpha is alive? If so, does he know what happened? Who was behind the attack


11:36 Thu, 21 Mar ti G G · 

Chapter 125. Fight Fatel 

Scared, little pup?a voice whispered through my mind. I swallowed through my dry throat as panic settled at the base of my spine, but I resolved to stay silent. Like I had a choice anyway

What deal have you made, Kane?Liam’s shocked voice erupted into the room. When no response came, a scoff left the demonic scum’s lips, and he continued

So you see, the sacrifice needs to contain your blood or hers, and as Daddy dearest is not actually Daddy at all, and Mr Green is not related to the Royals, the deal will be rejected.The smugness cutting each of his words had my lips pulling tightly into what I hoped resembled a smirk. I might hate the demon, but hearing the twins get knocked down a peg or two was fantastic, even if I couldn’t see it. I could imagine the look of disappointment on Knox’s cocky, selfassured face

How do you know this?I heard Adam ask, his voice devoid of emotion and all business like the standard for an Alpha

I know it well because I can smell the magic weaving through Lottie and attaching itself to her.” 

Is there a loophole?Adam’s calm voice asked again, although a tinge of anger clung to his words, making me curious

You haven’t put two and two together yet?The demon asked into my mind, my bruised lips pressing together into a thin line at the amusement in his voice. I wanted to reply but knew he was trying to bait me and I couldn’t trust anything he 

had to say anyway

Or help you!His voice bounced around my head before I felt him slide into the back of my consciousness

Yes, but Tweedledum and Tweedledee here have clarified that they don’t want my help.The demon laughed into the small room, a growl emitting from Knox’s lips

How will you help me?I asked the demon as he continued to taunt Knox and Kane, my head pounding so much the voices of those around me floated away; I couldn’t keep up with their conversation and the feeling of the demon floating around my head and had no choice but to pick one to focus on


11:36 Thu, 21 Mar ti G

Chapter 125 Fight Fate

I can return your wolf, and you can heal.He admitted, hope finally slipping back into my bones. I had thought I would die in this room, but if I had my wolf, maybe I would stand a chance against the wolfless Alphas

Now who is cocky! You wouldn’t! But I could protect you- for a price!.The demon chuckled privately into the depths of my curious mind

What will it cost me?I asked internally, but did it matter? I would do anything 

to survive, and the demon knew that

In the coming months, I will approach you for a favour, and you will agree no matter your feelings on my request!” 

Done!I replied flippantly, a deep, spinechilling chuckle exploding into my mind, confirming he had heard me. The fear washed away when instantly I felt my body strengthen, a bond snapping back into place as my body relaxed, alerting me to Flint’s return. I wanted to scream with relief, jump up and tell those in the room to go fuck themselves, but I knew better than to play my hand just yet, so instead, I stayed silent and allowed Flint to heal me slowly, my attention flipping back to the chaos exploding around me


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