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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Isn’t He Meant To Be Dead


Lottie POV 

ChaseWhat about your mother and father?I asked, knowing I would not like the answer he was about to give; I tried to keep the pain from my voice

My mother is dead. Once she had served her purpose, my father no longer needed her,he expressed, with a shrug that I knew was forced, but he continued on, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. I guess I had to respect that, even if I disagreed with it. And my father, like yours, wasn’t exactly the sappy type. More blood and sweat than hugs and laughter.” 

What do you mean by purpose?I asked, unable to hide my shock because he couldn’t possibly mean what I thought he did

What? Are the Royals not quite what you thought, Your Highness?He scoffed, my jaw locking tight at the pet name he had seemingly bestowed upon me. Did he think I was like the barbarians he was describing to me? Is that why he chose the 


What about yours, your mother? She is dead, right? Do you know much about her side of the family?He asked, taking me by surprise. I never spoke of my mother, especially not with people I barely knew, which meant my father had been spewing his venom when it came to her

CharTread carefully,Sage warned, her senses prickling at the mention of 

our mother

It’s okay; I trust him,I admitted, and the truth was I did. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about him felt safe, like the warm embrace of family

My father never spoke about her, at least not until recently, and what he has to say isn’t exactly worthy of repeating.” 

I see.Chase nodded, and I felt he really did, given the way his eyes lowered 


Chapter 126: Isn’t He Meant To Be Dead

ut it 

from mine sympathetically. Would you welcome her family if they appeared on your doorstep?He asked, his eyes tightening at the corners as I considered his question. I had always wished for family, with a bond like Lilly had with hers, wasn’t exactly a secret my dad was a drunken fool or that my mother had died, and where had my family been then? If I had managed this long without them, I hardly needed them now

I opened my mouth to answer when pain shot through my mate’s bond, crippling me as both Knox and Kane simultaneously suffered pain beyond anything I had felt before

What’s happened?I asked through the bond. I could sense them on the other end as panic ate at my insides. Yet no response came. Lifting off the bed, I yanked on Chase to pull him after me

Something is wrong; I can feel it. We have to go!I wailed as I pulled him towards the door, not wanting to waste a minute. I could see the confusion whirling in his eyes and knew he was going to be a pain in the ass

What? I would feel it.Chase half laughed, his eyes pinching together as he tried to feel through the bond he had with the other Sparrow Brothers

You don’t have a wolf, dumbass. Come on! The guys need us!I snapped, shoving him through the door and into the hallway, my eyes opening wide as he tumbled into the immense stoic figure of Alpha Leigh, his eyes scanning Chase and then me with a tinge of outrage and confusion

Care to explain why you are sneaking a male who is not my son’s out of your room, young lady?Alpha Leigh asked, his eyes tone light despite the harshness of his eyes as he scanned Chase, who was rubbing his head dramatically

Fuck man, what are you made of man, pure steal? I have a damn concussion now!Chase mumbled, a frown pulling at my lips at the complete lack of concern. shown by those around me

We don’t have time for this!I growled, pushing past Alpha Leigh only to walk straight into Sebastian, His eyes shifted between Chase and me, his frown deepening as some kind of realisation dawned on him


Chapter 126. Isn’t He Meant To Be Dead

Chase, I assume it’s you who has my mate in such a tizzy?Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes as his hand landed on my shoulder, sparks tingling under the skin where his hand lay. Looking at his hand and then at him, I shrugged his digits off and walked away to the stairwell

That would be correct; she informs me you’re gonna kick my ass, Seb.. wanna do that now or later?Chase asked in his usual juvenile manner that any other time would be cute! But when I could feel my mates panic through the bond. Not so 


Later.” He grumbled, a laugh erupting from his lips as he followed behind me

Pussy!He whispered just enough for Sage and I to hear. Will you slow the fuck down, woman?He added as he reached the stairs, taking them two at a time to catch up with me

Charlotte.Alpha Leigh’s voice boomed behind me, making me stop as his Alpha command caught me off guard. What is going on?He ordered, my lips. pursing as I considered lying to him for a split second before thinking better of it and nodding to the stairs

I don’t have time to explain, Alpha. Kane and Knox are hurt. So either waitor hurry up and follow me.I sighed, knowing I was making a mistake in involving Alpha Leigh because the second he entered that room and found my father beaten, he was going to have questionsquestions that would most likely change everything forever. When Alpha nodded, releasing me from his hold, I turned and took the stairs two at a time again

Isn’t he meant to be dead?Chase whispered in my ear as he linked his arm through mine and walked down the stairs beside me

It didn’t stick,Alpha Leigh replied. Despite the fear rippling through me, a smirk pulled at my lips when I turned to look at my Alpha, only to see him wink at me as he followed closely behind

You sure? Because you look like shit!Chase asked, his words laced with amusement as he watched the exchange between us before he continued rambling. So, what’s going on with the boys? Do you think it’s Mike? Orhe who shall not be 


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