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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128: You Tried to Kill Me


Lottie POV 

You!I heard Alpha Leigh gasp, and honestly, I wasn’t sure who he was referring to as my eyes scanned the chaos erupting around us: Havoc or the demon Astaroth. But what I did know was that he was pissed; the anger radiating off my Alpha in waves was almost enough to knock me off my feet and further into the 


You tried to kill me!Alpha Leigh seethed further

That hardly narrows it down,Sage groaned, lending me some of her strength to steady myself, but she was too slow. A hand slid around my waist, pulling me back into a rockhard wall of muscle and given the familiar tingles exploding in my core, I knew it was Sebastian who had secured me. Leaving me grateful but surprised and incredibly uncomfortable

Get off her,Chase snapped angrily. Sebastian’s hand was quickly replaced by the familiarity of Chase’s touch, causing my eyes to shoot up to Kane and then Havoc for fear my mate’s beastly wolf would see Chase or Bash as a threat and lungeagain

It’s ok, Princess. Relax for me.Kane soothed into my mind, sensing my anxiety. My body instantly did as my mate bid and relaxed as my eyes shifted back to Kane with questions. Knox is in control, it’s ok.Kane clarified, and I could see from the ease in his eyes that he was confident in his words. The pride on my face as I looked over at the magnificent form of Havoc felt slightly condescending, but I couldn’t help how I felt

Don’t do anything rash, angel face,Knox requested, joining his brother in my mind. “Let Chase look after you until you’re at Kane’s side.Knox’s husky voice rasped into my head, heat pooling in my stomach even as he pretty much implied I couldn’t look after myself, something I had proven time and time again. I pursed my lips, ready to fight him, but my attention returned to the anger exploding in the room from Alpha Leigh before I could respond to my mate


12:55 Mon, 25 Mar OM 

Chapter 128: You Tried to Kill Me

Tried?Astaroth laughed as he stepped closer to where I stood. The demon’s gaze fixed upon me as he addressed my Alpha, his tone laced with a strange mix of curiosity and something darker that scared me, sending a chilling sensation down my spine. I did kill ya, boss man!He laughed without removing his leering stare

You piece of shit!Alpha Leigh roared; I could hear the tension growing and knew I needed to do something before it was too late to salvage this shit storm

Help a girl out!I whispered to Sage, her growl of approval bouncing around my head. Snapping my head around to look at my Alpha, my eyes shining with Sage’s silent presence, her eyes glimmering through mine in a petition for him to remember my request: for him to trust me

Please, Alpha!I pleaded.‘ 

Purple eyes.I heard Sebastian inhale, his eyes darting to Chase with questions I was not privy to, but I ignored it and pushed on. I needed Alpha Leigh to back down; I was still paying the price for the last time I saved his hide

Trust me, please,I whispered low, but the chuckle coming from the demon on the other side of me had my back stiffening and Alpha Leigh’s face screwing up with anger

That’s it. Be a good bitch and listen to the only one thinking with a brain and do as you are told, boss man. I would hate to have to kill you twice.He laughed, continuing his stroll towards us

Take one more step, filth, and I will gut you.Chase growled low, his hand on my back, his fingers curling into my top. He was in for a surprise if he thought that would keep me put

Cute!” The demon laughed, my eyes moving from his, no longer interested, knowing that Chase was keeping him entertained for a moment so I could check on my mates

Kane stood still, his mouth tight and eyes angry, as he watched me, no doubt knowing I was about to do the exact opposite of what he and Knox had requested. I sucked down a breath at the seriousness in his eyes and averted my eyes, unable to 


12:55 Mon, 25 Mar 

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Chapter 128: You Tried to Kill Mel 

hold his stare any longer


Pursing my lips, my eyes trailed from him to Liam and Adam, who were 

discreetly making their way over to where Chase stood, no doubt to support their brother in arms. But it didn’t take a genius to see they were both somewhat injured 

and flagging

Get behind me,Chase instructed into my ear, pulling me back to the moment, but it was too late. My feet were already moving further into the room, spotting Havoc lower, ready to pounce on the demonic intruder in a bid to keep us all safe

He can’t win!Sage whined, and as much as I hated it, she was right. I knew he would stand no chance against the mind games and strength the vermin. possessed. My eyes met with a pair of large firered orbs focused on me as I begged him to reconsider

Hey, Stud,I whispered through our link as I continued through the room, hoping the bold move to approach 

Would distract him

Charlotte!I heard Alpha Leigh gasp from behind me, the panic in his tone not lost on me, but that was not my concern right now; what was the piece of wood sticking from Havoc’s side


Is that a chair leg?Sage asked, her tone more of a whine

How did he not notice it?I asked. Knox’s resilience never ceases to amaze 

Kitty!Havoc moaned, his presence filling the room. I was sure to others that his towering form exuded power and menace, but to me, it screamed protection and safety. Frankly, there was nowhere else I would rather be right now than beside him and Kane because if Kane was right and Knox had control, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me


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