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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Make Your Choice

Lottie POV 

As I materialised in Astaroth’s demonic dimension, a chill crept through my veins, sending shivers cascading down my spine. The very essence of the realm seemed to writhe and twist, morphing and contorting in a grotesque dance around me. Panic clawed at my chest, threatening to consume me whole, as I frantically searched for any semblance of escape



Amidst the chaos and the cacophony of unearthly sounds, two familiar voices pierced through the darkness, a beacon of hope amongst the despair. Their voices were quickly joined by the Sparrow Brother’s panicked cries

Save her!I heard Chase scream, my heart pounding in my chest, a wild rhythm matching the chaos around me. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I spun around toward the cries to face the portal, the swirling vortex that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. It mesmerised me with a force I couldn’t resist, pulling at the very core of my being

Sage!I whispered, wanting her to fight for our freedom, knowing I wouldn’t be able to do it myself; the hold the demon had weaved into my mind was far too strong. But it was too late; I could sense her slowly fading into a soundproof cage buried somewhere in the depths of my mind where even our mate’s voices couldn’t reach her

My eyes glued through the portal to where Havoc and Kane’s voices blended together in a symphony of fear and determination, their shouts mingling with the roar of the wind supporting the portal. I could see the panic etched on their faces, their eyes wide with terror as they fought against the invisible barrier that kept them from reaching me


Chapter 129: Make Your Choice

Lottie POV 

As I materialised in Astaroth’s demonic dimension, a chill crept through my veins, sending shivers cascading down my spine. The very essence of the realm seemed to writhe and twist, morphing and contorting in a grotesque dance around me. Panic clawed at my chest, threatening to consume me whole, as I frantically searched for any semblance of escape



Amidst the chaos and the cacophony of unearthly sounds, two familiar voices pierced through the darkness, a beacon of hope amongst the despair. Their voices were quickly joined by the Sparrow Brother’s panicked cries

Save her!I heard Chase scream, my heart pounding in my chest, a wild rhythm matching the chaos around me. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I spun around toward the cries to face the portal, the swirling vortex that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. It mesmerised me with a force I couldn’t resist, pulling at the very core of my being

Sage!I whispered, wanting her to fight for our freedom, knowing I wouldn’t be able to do it myself; the hold the demon had weaved into my mind was far too strong. But it was too late; I could sense her slowly fading into a soundproof cage buried somewhere in the depths of my mind where even our mate’s voices couldn’t reach her

My eyes glued through the portal to where Havoc and Kane’s voices blended together in a symphony of fear and determination, their shouts mingling with the roar of the wind supporting the portal. I could see the panic etched on their faces, their eyes wide with terror as they fought against the invisible barrier that kept them from reaching me




Chapter 129: Make Your Choice

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I stared into the depths of the portal, my vision narrowing to focus solely on the two figures racing towards me. Kane’s rugged features were twisted in a mask of desperation, his usually stoic demeanour shattered by the fear of losing me. And Havoc, ever the loyal beast, his jaw set in determination as he pushed forward, ignoring the danger that lurked just beyond

I wanted to reach out to them and tell them that everything would be alright, but the words caught in my throat, choked by the overwhelming sense of dread that washed over me. The demon’s laughter reverberated in my ears, a cruel reminder of the perilous situation we found ourselves in

Behave, and you can go back to them.I heard Astaroth scoff into my mind like the sick fuck he was 

Ime, however and I will crush them like the nothings 

they are! The 

choice is yours, honey!” 

Make your choice!Astaroth sneered brutally, as he stepped beside me holding his hand out for me to take. When I didn’t move, a sly grin slipped onto his lips as red lightning sparked from behind us and flew through the vortex and slammed into Kane. Undoubtedly Astaroth’s way of showing me he wasn’t making an idle threat

The soulcrushing sound of Kane’s cries filtered through to my ears as pain racked the mate bond. I watched him topple over Havoc’s feet ceased their sprint 

throat as I watched 

so he could turn and look at his brother. A lump formed in mysh to Kane, or 

him fight with Knox inwardly. No doubt torn between who to rush to Kane, or myself

It’s ok!I mouthed, seeing Kane register my words, his face paled, as Havoc pushed forward toward me, his decision made. With a surge of adrenaline, I made a splitsecond decision. I wouldn’t let my mates sacrifice themselves for me, I simply couldn’t bear the thought of them facing the same fate that awaited me on this side of the portal. With every ounce of strength I possessed, I turned away from them, my eyes fixed on the demonic bastard before me

No!I heard Chase scream from behind me as I took a hesitant step forward, my heart pounding in my ears

The air crackled with energy, the very fabric of reality warping and twisting in 



12:56 Mon, 25 Mar 

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