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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130: The Power Of Desperation


Lottie POV 

I stood amidst the swirling darkness of the demonic realm, the air thick with the stench of sulphur and despair. Before me loomed Astaroth, his eyes drifting over his land to a gothic cathedral, its red marble structure, a stark contrast against the blackened sky. Lightning crackled ominously, casting eerie shadows that danced across the barren landscape

This was Hell

My heart pounded in my chest as I realised Chase had followed me through the portal. Anger flared within me, mixing with a deep sense of concern for his safety. Why did he have to be so reckless

What are you doing here?I snapped, my voice laced with frustration as I turned to face him, my lips pulling tightly together watching him land a few feet in front of me with grace I could only wish for. Chase met my gaze, determination shining in his eyes despite the danger surrounding us

I couldn’t just let you face this alone, Lottie,he declared firmly, his tone unwavering. You’re my family now. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.Family? Did he really consider me his kin? His words touched something deep within me, stirring emotions I wasn’t quite ready to confront, I wanted to be angry with him for risking so much, but his sincerity made it hard to stay mad. Still, I couldn’t ignore the fear gnawing at the edges of my mind

You idiot,I muttered, shaking my head

Love ya too, your Highness.” 

You don’t understand what I am up against.I whispered my eyes lifted to meet the red eyes of Astaroth who was watching us with intrigue as he stepped back a little, but I wasn’t stupid enough to think it was because our new guest had intimated him. He was giving Chase a little rope, in the hopes he hung himself


12:56 Mon, 25 Mar 



Chapter 130: The Power Of Desperation

WE are up against!Chase corrected me, coming to stand beside me, his fingers lacing through mine, the warmth of his touch, a welcome surprise in a world that seemed to thrive on misery. I reached out through the bond to my mates, hoping to sense their presence and find some solace in their familiar minds. But there was nothing. Panic clawed at my chest as I realised the demon had severed my connection to them

Your little reunion is touching, but futile,he sneered. “In this realm, your powers are useless.Astaroth watched us with his eerie red eyes, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he observed our exchange, stepping closer to us with a smoothness that had me nervous. Scared Honey?He mocked as I bristled at the softness of his words, my fists clenching at my sides as I fought to keep my composure. Chase took a step forward, his jaw set with determination

Fuck off, man! I will make good on my earlier threat if you touch her!he announced, his voice steady despite the danger looming around us

Man? Do I look like a fucking mortal to you!Astaroth snarled, his lips widened into a cruel grin as he raised a hand, dark energy crackling around his fingertips before soaring at Chase

Be careful with your threats, Pup,he warned, his voice dripping with malice. There are consequences for insulting me.” 

Panic erupted within me seeing Astaroth lift Chase into the air with his dark, demonic powers. My heart clenched at the sight of Chase screaming in agony while Astaroth twisted his body, snapping bones at unnatural angles before pinning him to a jagged rock. The sound of Chase’s cries echoed through the dark realm, sending shivers down my spine and not for the first time since being here

“Stop! Please, stop!I begged, my voice trembling with dread and desperation. Please, don’t hurt him anymore.I pleaded with the soulless creature. Astaroth regarded me with a sinister gleam in his crimson eyes, his lips curling into a cruel smile

Ah, the power of desperation,The demon mused, his voice dripping with harshness. Very well, little wolf. I’ll ease his pain, but only if you agree to hear me out.I shook my head in disbelief, anger simmering beneath the surface as I stared 


Mon, 25 Mar 

Chapter 130: The Power Of Desperation

at the demon before me. How could he go to such extreme and unnecessary lengths just to get my attention


I would have listened to you back at the pack house,I spat, my voice tinged with bitterness. Once I was beside my mates and had them at my side, I would have heard you! You didn’t have to do this.Astaroth’s smile widened, his amusement evident as he watched my turmoil

But where’s the fun in that?he chuckled darkly

You’re vile!I seethed the words flying from my lips coated in venom

So I have been told, honey.he winked and as if to prove his point his fingers moved and the air filled with the brutal sound of Chase’s cries. I kept my eyes on the beast who was threatening my friends, my family and my mates and pursed my lips. Now, do you agree to follow me into the cathedral and listen to what I have to say?” 

I hesitated for a moment, torn between my desire to save Chase while satisfying the gnawing curiosity to hear what Astaroth wanted from me and the unnatural need I had to defy him just because I could. Chase’s screams echoed in the background, a painful reminder of the stakes at hand, forcing my hand

“No, Lottie!Chase screamed through a rough breath from behind me, turning, my eyes met his and my heart sank seeing blood run from his eyes

What are you’doing to him?I screamed, turning back to look at Astaroth who was pretending to pick dirt out of his nails

Killing his wolf, kinda. I am boiling him from the inside, His wolf has maybe 60 seconds left beforepoof dead!He winked at me like this was all a fucking game. Tik tok honey, make your mind up and fast.” 

Don’t do it!Chase begged me. My eyes shifted back to my new friend with unwavering respect, even now as death loomed over him, when his body was racked with unbearable pain he fought for me! For my life and my future happiness

You can’t very well be godfather to my pups if you are dead, can you now!



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