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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 What Is That

Lottie POV 

Stretching out on Knox’s large bed, my head softly pounding from the insanel amount of alcohol we had consumed last night before we had passed out in a heap of sweaty limbs and loversl*ps. My finger reached under the plump pillow, and I smirked as they collided with the warmth that could have only been a b*dy

Knox!I whispered to Sage, who moaned in agreement. Opening my eyes, I smirked, realising I was right and the b*dy I had groped was, in fact, the tattooed and ripped b*dy of Knox

How did you know?Sage asked her tone laced with amusement that made me roll my eyes

For days, she had been dropping hints that I had ignored but understood. perfectly well! She believed they were our mates! But she was wrong; I would feel more than just an overwhelming need to drop to my knees and open my mouthor legs if they were! However, it didn’t stop her constant prattling

Why are you so in sync with them?” 

Don’t you love how our bodies tingle when they touch us?” 

Don’t they smell divine!” 

Why do you feel so empty when not in their company?” 



Chapter 25 What Is That


Not that I had spent any time alone over the last three days- at all! I had not left this room once since entering it after Lilly’s mating ceremony! And in truth, the only reason they were allowing me to leave this room tonight was because of the masked ball that was being held in honour of Lilly. We had a month of these ceremonies! This meant the boys would be home for a few more weeks yetand as thrilling as that sounded, I was concerned what people would say

They had been attached to my side like glue, or rather between my legs in some way, shape or form. I don’t think I have ever spent so much time with a male, let alone males; there was no way I was going to be able to wash their scent off me or mask it in time for tonight! Although I suspected that was their aim and why I had been trapped in this room with them

Trapped?Sage asked with a sly grin

Trapped under them, between them, or on my knees before them.. yes!I snapped moodily, although I had loved every second of it if I was honest with myself. Never had I felt so desired, S*xy and alive as I did when I was with them

I watched Knox sleep, his chest’s soft rise and fall making me smile; his b*dy was insane! But the fucker knew it! There was not an inch of fat on him; he was all chiselled raw muscle, tight and beautiful! Like he had been sculpted from one of those ancient carvings of Greek gods

His broad shoulders and enormous arms made my knees go weak. But it was the tattoos that sent me over the edge every time. Watching his tattooed hand disappear between my legs or lift my chin. He was utterly gorgeous. Even if his eyes shon of mischief and mayhem


14:09 Wed, 13 Mar

Chapter 25 What Is That


Turning over, I expected to see Kane beside me, either typing away on his laptop or reading some book that I couldn’t understand. Because, of course, he read books in Latin or French! Just so he could read them to me in the husky voice that made me wet instantly. Knox may have the b*dy of a god, but Kane, damn, he had this insane tone and aura that made me putty in his hands. Mike had tried his hand at being dominant with me in the bedroom once or twice, and all I had done was giggle, which had understandably upset him, and that dominance quickly turned into cruelty and anger

Kane, though, with one lift of his eyebrow, had me chewing my l*p, debating if I wanted to disobey just to get the spanking that his eyes promised or the praise his good girl deserved. It was a battle between us, one I knew he liked just as much as I did. They were both handsome, but their personalities and quirks were truly what 

drew me to them

Seeing Kane not in bed, a pout sl*pped across my l*ps that had Sage grinning like a fool because she was right! I felt empty without him! Pissed off at the fact she was right, I sl*pped from the bed silently, not wanting to wake Knox. I headed into the bathroom n*ked and unashamed, not like they hadn’t licked, k*ssed or touched every part of me over the last few days. I don’t think I have ever had so much S*x in my life. Even peeing hurt at this point

Looking af my toes as I stood under the shower, a groan sl*pped from my l*ps, feeling an unexpected wave of pleasure roll through my b*dy. Gripping the wall, unsure where that came from, I slowly took a few breaths and let the feeling pass

F***!I groaned as another blast of unrivalled desire ate at my stomach and made my legs go weak


14:09 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 25 What Is That

I you insist!” 

A husky voice I had come to adore announced, opening the 

shower door and stepping under the spray with me

Kane!I gasped, leaning my flushed b*dy against the cold tiles to allow his large form to fit in here with me. Foggy memories of last night rushed back, seeing those eyes pin me in place as heat spread through my b*dy. It must be my wolf, sensing he was close, that was making pure pleasure pool in my stomach

Something wrong?Kane asked, a smirk twisting to his l*ps


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