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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Bull In A China Shop

*With Lottie’s hand gently placed in mine and my eyes glued to her delicate features as we descended the grand staircase to greet our guests, she was utterly breathtaking in a gown of silk that was almost as pale as her skin and icey hair. Even in her mask, I could see the nerves eating at her; she wasn’t used to being the centre of attention, something I liked about her! Squeezing her hand reassuringly, I smiled at her, my eyes glistening with pride at having her on my arm. As my date, as my lover, but most importantly as my mate

You look beautiful!I whispered into her ear as we reached the party, and all eyes turned to look at the beautiful creature in the ivory dress beside me.

You’re a piece of shit!I heard her voice boom through my dream, making me groan as I buried my head in the pillow

Knox!Lottie’s voice cut through the last shred of the dream I was holding on to; lifting up off the bed with a sigh, my sleepridden eyes found her standing at the foot of the bed. Naked, dripping wet, and redfaced with what I knew to be anger 

and hurt

Angel.I sighed, leaning back against the headboard and running my hand through my hair, seeing Kane step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Brother!I grumbled

He is mated!Lottie growled, pointing behind her to where Kane was standing. My eyes met His yet again, the smirk that danced across his l*ps telling me he was enjoying himself immensely

I am aware!I laughed, confused by how SHE was not

How?She barked, folding her hands over her chest, her tight stomach muscles flexing under the movement making my dick spasm under the sheets. The idea of doing filthy things to her just so she could shower again crossed my mind


Chapter 26: Bull In A China Shop

What is that?!She roared, grabbing the footboard, her eyes glowering with the lust I felt swimming in my groin. Will you stop whatever that is!She growled at Kane, making him chuckle and nod at me

That was not me that time!He laughed. Her face twisted into confusion as she looked at me; I watched with amusement as her eyes lowered to the mark that sat on my n*eck

You are both mated!She whispered, her eyes welling with tears. I knew from the mate bond that connected us that she was upset because she thought we had met someone else- as if anyone else would compare to her

Yes!Kane announced, stepping into her back, his hands wrapping around her waist to pull her back against him; even as she struggled for freedom, however his arms tightened, and she stilled. Instantly, I felt her relax and wondered how she hadn’t cottoned on. I admit, that when Kane told me about his plan, I was nervous about her reaction, but all I wanted was for her to work it out and jump back on this bed with the two of us

Sliding from the bed, I walked to stand in front of where my brother had her caged in his arms and trailed my fingers over her wet shoulder; moving her hair to her back. I nodded to the skin I had exposed and waited with bated breath for her 

to look down

WE are mated!I whispered, tracing my fingers over where my mark sat on the right side of her n*eck, just over her collarbone. Her b*dy instinctively leaned into my touch. Kane’s hand slid up to her left side, touching his mark. Her eyes shot to mine before looking down at her skin that bore proof for all to see that she was now ours

When?She asked, making me frown. Did she truly not remember? I knew Kane had been pushing the booze last night, purposely wanting her to be relaxed enough to agree to his plan, but a part of me thought she would remember and be okay with it. But the feelings I felt rushing through her let me know she was anything but okay

Angel.. Last night, remember..I asked, lifting her chin to see those pretty blue eyes filled with unsaid tears


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Chapter 26: Bull In A China Shop

No!She gasped, shaking her head. Kane’s eyes locked on mine, no doubt feeling the same sense of regret wash over her as I had. Releasing her b*dy, stepped away from her, his aura turning dark. Rejection wasn’t an option for Kane. I knew that, and I understood why he had suggested we do this; we couldn’t allow her to marry Mike. He would use her

It’s done! Get ready. We have to be at the ball in a few hours.Kane’s stern voice cut through the room as he backed off and headed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I had expected her to say something, scream, shout, but she stood there frozen while her emotions ate her from the inside out

It’s okay,I whispered; stepping into her, I lifted her chin with my thumb, forcing her to look at me. Her blue eyes were still glossed with tears

It’s not. It’s not what I imagined it to be like.She admitted chewing her l*p

What isn’t babydoll?I asked, sliding my free hand into her to brush out the tangles. Arching a brow, I watched her work through what she wanted to say before. closing her l*ps tight and shaking her head

It doesn’t matter now, does it!She uttered sadly, pulling from my arms. Sighing, I watched her move to my drawers, pulling out a set of joggers and a Tshirt. She sl*pped them on in silence. Her emotions were going crazy inside her

I am going to get ready for tonight.She nodded to me as she brushed past me to go to the door. Grabbing her hand, I stopped her, forcing her to look back at 

  1. me

Do voul 

not want us?I asked, unable to let her go until I knew what was going on in her head

Does it matter?She asked with a stern look on her face

No, it doesn’t! It’s done. You are ours. I have let our fathers know, and they are making arrangements for it to be announced tonight.Kane declared firmly from the bathroom doorway

Not helping!I mouthed, shooting Kane a death glare. I knew he was hurting



Wed, 13 Mar 


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