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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Blackmail

Connie was right!Sage grumbled as we stood our ground and refused to leave. He really does fuck anything!She added moodily. Unlike Sage, I couldn’t care less that I had caught him with another. Frankly, I felt sorry for her; she was apparently a passing fancy! Given how he was looking at me, he had assumed we would fix our issuesand all would be good! How wrong he was

Why didn’t you tell me WE were engaged?I asked, watching with slight amusement as the smile fell from his smug face

How did you knowKane!He snorted, shaking his head. Of course, the bastard told you!” 

What does he have to do with it?I asked, crossing my arms, not liking his tone. when he mentioned Kane. Clearly, there was more to their relationship than I had thought

Everything!He laughed, rolling his eyes as he stood, the towel he had placed. over his n*ked b*dy falling to the floor. Refusing to look down at him because of the respect I had for my mates, I turned around again

Can you put some clothes on so we can talk!I asked with a heavy sigh

Why, not like you haven’t seen it all before!He grinned, stepping into my back, I could feel his dick pressing into my back and had to fight the urge to pull away, knowing it would insult him, and then I would not be getting the information


My father came to see me..I continued refusing to answer him. He told me 

that he owed a debt to someone..” 

Did he now?Mike asked, his hands trailing up my side; clenching my jaw, I tried to remain calm, if for no other reason than not to alert the twins to what I was 



Chapter 40: Blackmail

up to. As if reading my mind, his hand sl*pped up to my breasts, cupping them from behind

YES!I growled, spinning around, wanting to put some distance between us, but he was standing so close I could smell the mint of his toothpaste and the brunette’s cheap perfume

He told me you had agreed to pay off his debt in order to..” 

Own you!He finished my sentence with a nod, his hands travelling around my waist, pulling me closer. I did.” 

Be with me!I countered, steadying myself on my feet so I could push at his shoulders to force that distance I needed because if I could feel my heart racing, so could the boys.. 

And what is the debt?I asked, moving across the room to look out of his. window; seeing darkness had fallen over the packhouse I knew people would be here soon

Why?He asked, stepping back into me, his fingers lightly touching Kane’s mark. Not like it matters anymore!.. is it!He scoffed. Instinctively I swatted his hand away, not liking the idea of him touching something so special to me. His dark laughter filled the room

Oh.. I see!He nodded, spinning me in his arms and pushing me back against the window panel, his b*dy caging mine. They have to take on the debt.. and your want to know what it is.He grinned nastily

You won’t like it!He added, and I had a feeling I wouldn’t. But I needed to know, not just for the twins but for my father! If he was in the shit, I needed to know with whom he was indebted! Maybe then I could fix it

Tell me!I asked, keeping my eyes on his while trying desperately to ignore the way his hands were toying with the straps of my dress

Why.. what’s in it for me?He asked with a grin that had my stomach sinking



11-30 Thu, 14 Mar – 

Chapter 40: Blackmail

My forgiveness.. My thanks! The appreciation of your future Luna!I growled, shoving his chest

I don’t need your forgiveness.. I don’t want your thanks.. and you will only be Luna if those boys don’t get caught and killed as traitors..He scoffed, my eyes widening at his words

Traitors.. That was insane

What do you want?I asked, shaking my head, knowing whatever it was, I would give it to him if it meant saving them from whatever mess my father had gotten them into

You.. I want you on your knees finishing what you interrupted!” 

You are kidding! I have two mates; They will kill you for even suggesting it!| laughed, shaking my head

Only if they find out!He smirked, arching a brow suggestively

How wouldn’t they find out you are blackmailing me? Our bond ensures that..” 

I have a way!He smirked, leaving the warmth of my b*dy to walk over to his bedside table. I watched his b*dy move and, for the first time ever, felt utterly repulsed by him. He wasn’t ugly, nor was he grotesque to look at, but inside, he was rotten to the core! How I had been so blind to it! I don’t know! Grabbing something from his draw, he disappeared into the bathroom, returning with a cup filled with sizzling water

Drink this!He demanded, pursing my l*ps. I shook my head, not trusting him. Arching a brow, he held it out to me again

Going onceGoing twice..” 

Don’t do it!Sage squealed as I took the cup and threw it back. It tasted like sour lemons, and as the citrus hit the back of my throat, I gagged. 

It will work quickly!He laughed bitterly, watching me triumphantly


11:30 Thu, 14 Mar 


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